121 real(wp) :: c, f, g, r, s
124 real(wp) :: d, f1, fs, g1, gs, u, rtmin, rtmax
127 intrinsic :: abs, sign, sqrt
130 rtmin = sqrt( safmin )
131 rtmax = sqrt( safmax/2 )
141 else if( f == zero )
145 else if( f1 > rtmin .and. f1 < rtmax .and. &
146 g1 > rtmin .and. g1 < rtmax )
147 d = sqrt( f*f + g*g )
152 u = min( safmax, max( safmin, f1, g1 ) )
155 d = sqrt( fs*fs + gs*gs )
subroutine dlartg(f, g, c, s, r)
DLARTG generates a plane rotation with real cosine and real sine.
real(dp), parameter dhalf
real(dp), parameter dzero
real(dp), parameter dsafmin
real(dp), parameter dsafmax
LA_CONSTANTS is a module for the scaling constants for the compiled Fortran single and double precisi...