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12.7.2 The Bitonic Algorithm

Figure 12.29: Bitonic Scheme for d=3. This figure illustrates the six compare-exchange steps of the bitonic  algorithm for d=3. Each diagram illustrates four compare-exchange processes which happen simultaneously. The arrows represent a compare-exchange between two processors. The largest items go to the processor at the point of the arrow, and the smallest items to the one at the base of the arrow.

Table 12.2: Bitonic sort on a hypercube. The rows are labelled by hypercube size (), the columns by number of items to sort.

Many algorithms for sorting on concurrent machines are based upon Batcher's bitonic sorting   algorithm ([Batcher:68a], [Knuth:73a, pp.232-3]). The first step in the merge strategy is for each processor to internally sort via quicksort. One is then left with the problem of constructing a series of compare-exchange steps which will correctly merge sorted sublists. This problem is completely isomorphic to the problem of sorting a list of items by pairwise comparisons between items. Each one of our sublist compare-exchange operations is equivalent to a single compare-exchange between two individual items. The pattern of compare-exchanges for the bitonic algorithm for the d=3 case is shown in Figure 12.29. More details and a specification of the bitonic algorithm can be found in Chapter 18 of [Fox:88a].

Table 12.2 shows the actual times and efficiencies for our implementation of the bitonic algorithm. Results are shown for sorting lists of sizes to items on hypercubes with dimensions, d, ranging from one (2 nodes) to seven (128 nodes). Efficiencies are computed by comparing with single-processor times to quicksort the entire list (we take quicksort to be our benchmark sequential algorithm). The same information is also shown graphically in Figure 12.30.

Figure 12.30: The Efficiency of the Bitonic   Algorithm Versus List Size for Various Size Hypercubes-Labelled by Cube Dimension d.

Clearly, the efficiencies fall off rapidly with increasing d. From the standpoint of cost-effectiveness, this algorithm is a failure. On the other hand, Table 12.2 shows that for fixed-list sizes and increasing machine size, the execution times continue to decrease. So, from the speed-at-any-cost point of view, the algorithm is a success. We attribute the inefficiency of the bitonic algorithm partly to communication overhead and some load imbalance during the compare-exchanges, but mostly to nonoptimality of the algorithm itself. In our definition of efficiency we are comparing the parallel bitonic algorithm to sequential quicksort. In bitonic, the number of cycles grows quadratically with d. This suggests that efficiency can be improved greatly by using a parallel algorithm that sorts in fewer operations without sacrificing concurrency.

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Guy Robinson
Wed Mar 1 10:19:35 EST 1995