The Jacobi-Davidson method is based on a combination of two basic
principles. The first one is to apply a Galerkin approach for the
, with respect to some given subspace
spanned by an orthonormal basis
. The usage of other
than Krylov subspaces was suggested by Davidson [99], who also
suggested specific choices,
different from the ones that we will take,
for the construction of orthonormal basis vectors . The
Galerkin condition is
At this point the other principle behind the Jacobi-Davidson approach
comes into play. The idea goes back to Jacobi [241]. Suppose
that we have an eigenvector approximation for an
eigenvector corresponding to a given eigenvalue . Then
Jacobi suggested (in the original paper for strongly diagonally dominant
matrices) computing the orthogonal correction for so
From (4.48) we conclude that , and in particular that , so that the Jacobi-Davidson correction equation represents a consistent linear system.
It can be shown that the exact solution of (4.49) leads to cubic convergence of the largest towards for increasing (similar statements can be made for the convergence towards other eigenvalues of , provided that the Ritz values are selected appropriately in each step).
In [411] it is suggested to solve equation (4.49) only approximately, for instance, by some steps of minimal residual (MINRES) [350], with an appropriate preconditioner for , if available, but in fact any approximation technique for is formally allowed, provided that the projectors are taken into account. In our templates we will present ways to approximate with Krylov subspace methods.
We will now discuss how to use preconditioning for an iterative solver
like generalized minimal residual (GMRES) or conjugate gradient squared (CGS),
applied to equation (4.49). Suppose that
we have a left preconditioner available for the operator
, for which in some sense
. Since
varies with the
iteration count , so may the preconditioner, although it is often
practical to work with the same for different values of . Of
course, the preconditioner has to be restricted to the subspace
orthogonal to as well, which means that we have to work
with, efficiently,
We assume that we use a Krylov solver with initial
guess and with left preconditioning for the approximate
solution of the correction equation (4.49). Since the
starting vector is in the subspace orthogonal to , all
iteration vectors for the Krylov solver will be in that space. In that
subspace we have to compute the vector
for a vector supplied by the
Krylov solver, and
, it follows that satisfies
. The condition
leads to
If we form an approximation for in (4.49) as , with such that and without acceleration by an iterative solver, we obtain a process which was suggested by Olsen, Jørgensen, and Simons [344].