Implementation and Performance on the CM-5

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Implementation and Performance on the CM-5

The Thinking Machines CM-5 was introduced in 1991. The tests in this section were run on a 32 processor CM-5 at the University of California at Berkeley. Each CM-5 node contains a 33 MHz Sparc with an FPU and 64 KB cache, four vector floating points units, and 32 MB of memory. The front end is a 33 HMz Sparc with 32 MB of memory. With the vector units, the peak 64-bit floating point performance is 128 megaflops per node (32 megaflops per vector unit). See [53] for more details.

Algorithm 1 was implemented in CM Fortran (CMF) version 2.1 - an implementation of Fortran 77 supplemented with array-processing extensions from the ANSI and ISO (draft) standard Fortran 90 [53]. CMF arrays come in two flavors. They can be distributed across CM processor memory (in some user defined layout) or allocated in normal column major fashion on the front end alone. When the front end computer executes a CM Fortran program, it performs serial operations on scalar data stored in its own memory, but sends any instructions for array operations to the CM. On receiving an instruction, each node executes it on its own data. When necessary, CM processors can access each other's memory by any of three communication mechanisms, but these are transparent to the CMF programmer [52].

We also used CMSSL version 3.2, [54], TMC's library of numerical linear algebra routines. CMSSL provides data parallel implementations of many standard linear algebra routines, and is designed to be used with CMF and to exploit the vector units.

CMSSL's QR factorization (available with or without pivoting) uses standard Householder transformations. Column blocking can be performed at the user's discretion to improve load balance and increase parallelism. Scaling is available to avoid situations when a column norm is close to or , but this is an expensive ``insurance policy''. Scaling is not used in our current CM-5 code, but should perhaps be made available in our toolbox for the informed user. The QR with pivoting (QRP) factorization routine, which we shall use to reveal rank, is about half as fast as QR without pivoting. This is due in part to the elimination of blocking techniques when pivoting, as columns must be processed sequentially.

Gaussian elimination with or without partial pivoting is available to compute LU factorizations and perform back substitution to solve a system of equations. Matrix inversion is performed by solving the system . The LU factors can be obtained separately - to support Balzer's and Byers' scaling schemes to accelerate the convergence of Newton, and which require a determinant computation - and there is a routine for estimating from the LU factors to detect ill-conditioning of intermediate matrices in the Newton iteration. Both the factorization and inversion routines balance load by permuting the matrix, and blocking (as specified by the user) is used to improve performance.

The LU, QR and Matrix multiplication routines all have ``out-of-core'' counterparts to support matrices/systems that are too large to fit in main memory. Our current CM5 implementation of the SDC algorithms does not use any of the out-of-core routines, but in principle our algorithms will permit out-of-core solutions to be used.

Figure 4 summarizes the performance of the CMSSL routines underlying this implementation Algorithm 1.

Figure 4: Performance of some CMSSL 3.2 subroutines on 32 PEs with VUs CM-5

We tested the Newton-Schulz iteration based algorithm for computing the spectral decomposition along the pure imaginary axis, since matrix multiplication can be twice as fast as matrix inversion; see Figure 4. The entries of random test matrices were uniformly distributed on . We use the inequality as switching criterion from the Newton iteration (2.5) to the Newton-Schulz iteration (2.6), i.e., we relaxed the convergence condition for the Newton-Schulz iteration to

because this optimized performance over the test cases we ran.

Table 3 shows the measured results of the backward accuracy, total CPU time and megaflops rate. The second column of the table is the backward error, the number of Newton iterations and the number of the Newton-Schulz iterations, respectively. From the table, we see that by comparing to CMSSL 3.2 matrix multiplication performance, we obtain 32% to 45% efficiency with the matrices sizes from 512 to 2048, even faster than the CMSSL 3.2 matrix inverse subroutine.

We profiled the total CPU time on each phase of the algorithm, and found that about 83% of total time is spent on the Newton iteration, 9% on the QR decomposition with pivoting, and 7.5% on the matrix multiplication for the Newton-Schulz iteration and orthogonal transformations.

Table 3: Backward accuracy, timing in seconds and megaflops of the SDC algorithm with Newton-Schulz iteration on a 32 PEs with VUs CM-5.

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Jack Dongarra
Mon Jan 9 11:07:50 EST 1995