The LU factorization on the DLAM

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The LU factorization on the DLAM


We present in this section the model corresponding to the parallel right-looking LU factorization implemented in ScaLAPACK [9]. We restrict ourselves to the case where the matrix is distributed on the processes using a square block cyclic decomposition scheme. We ignore the possible collision of messages on the network. It can be briefly described as follows: Assume the LU factorization of the first columns has proceeded with . During the next step, the algorithm factors the next panel of columns, pivoting if necessary. Next the pivots are applied to the remainder of the matrix. The lower trapezoid factor just computed is broadcast to the other process columns of the grid using a split-ring topology [10][8], so that the the upper trapezoid factor can be updated via a triangular solve. This factor is then broadcast to the other process rows using a 1-tree topology [10][8], so that the remainder of the matrix can be updated by a rank- update. This process continues recursively with the updated matrix. The total execution time can be estimated by

Notice that we neglected the BLAS 1 computations performed during the factorization of the current panel of columns, considering that the contribution of this operations to the execution time is mostly due to communication. In addition, when the logical mesh can be embedded into the physical network and the message collisions neglected, the previous formula can be simplified to:


Antoine Petitet
Fri Mar 31 13:01:26 EST 1995