LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches
Bdef.h File Reference
#include "Bconfig.h"
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struct  bLaCsScOpE
struct  bLaCsCoNtExT
struct  DCOMPLEX
struct  SCOMPLEX
struct  bLaCbUfF


#define BI_DistType   unsigned short
#define BI_MpiDistType   MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT
#define BUFFALIGN   8 /* force all buffers to 8 byte alignment */
#define PT2PTID   9976 /* TAG used for point to point */
#define NOTINCONTEXT   -1 /* Indicates node called gridmap, but not in grid */
#define MAXNCTXT   10 /* initial guess at max # of contexts */
#define MAXNSYSCTXT   10 /* initial guess at max # of system context */
#define BUFWAIT   120 /* Length of time to wait for emergency buff */
#define NORV   1 /* No receiver (only 1 proc in scoped op) */
#define NPOW2   2 /* Number of procs is not a power of 2 */
#define BADSCP   3 /* Scope not row, column or all */
#define INTEGER   3
#define SINGLE   4
#define DOUBLE   6
#define COMPLEX8   5
#define COMPLEX16   7
#define FULLCON   0 /* top is fully connected */
#define RT_SD   1
#define RT_RV   2
#define RT_BS   3
#define RT_BR   4
#define RT_COMB   5
#define SGET_SYSCONTXT   0
#define SGET_MSGIDS   1
#define SGET_DEBUGLVL   2
#define SGET_NR_BS   11
#define SGET_NB_BS   12
#define SGET_NR_CO   13
#define SGET_NB_CO   14
#define SGET_TOPSREPEAT   15
#define SGET_TOPSCOHRNT   16
#define BVOID   void
#define Mlowcase(C)   ( ((C) > 64 && (C) < 91) ? (C) | 32 : (C) )
#define Mgridinfo(ctxt, Ng0, nprow0, npcol0, myrow0, mycol0)
#define Mpcoord(ctxt, node, prow, pcol)
#define Mvpcoord(ctxt, node, prow, pcol)    Mpcoord((ctxt), (node), (prow), (pcol));
#define Mkpnum(ctxt, prow, pcol)   ( (prow)*(ctxt)->rscp.Np+(pcol) )
#define Mvkpnum(ctxt, prow, pcol)   ( (prow)*(ctxt)->rscp.Np+(pcol) )
#define Mscopeid(ctxt)
#define MGetConTxt(Context, ctxtptr)
#define Mmpierror(ierr, rout, ctxt, line, file)
#define ErrPrint
#define F_VOID_FUNC   void
#define F_INT_FUNC   Int
#define F_DOUBLE_FUNC   double
#define F2C_CharTrans(c)   *(c)
#define F_CHAR   char *
#define Mpval(para)   (*(para))
#define Mpaddress(para)   (para)
#define Mwalltime   dwalltime00_
#define Rabs(x)   ( (x) < 0 ? (x) * -1 : (x) )
#define Cabs(z)   ( (((z).i) < 0 ? ((z).i) * -1 : ((z).i)) + (((z).r) < 0 ? ((z).r) * -1 : ((z).r)) )
#define trsize(diag, m, n, bytes, length)
#define BI_cmvcopy(m, n, A, lda, buff)    BI_smvcopy(2*(m), (n), (float *) (A), 2*(lda), (float *) (buff))
#define BI_cvmcopy(m, n, A, lda, buff)    BI_svmcopy(2*(m), (n), (float *) (A), 2*(lda), (float *) (buff))
#define BI_zmvcopy(m, n, A, lda, buff)    BI_dmvcopy(2*(m), (n), (double *) (A), 2*(lda), (double *) (buff))
#define BI_zvmcopy(m, n, A, lda, buff)    BI_dvmcopy(2*(m), (n), (double *) (A), 2*(lda), (double *) (buff))
#define BI_MPI_TYPE_FREE(t)   MPI_Type_free(t)


typedef struct bLaCsScOpE BLACSSCOPE
typedef struct bLaCsCoNtExT BLACSCONTEXT
typedef struct bLaCbUfF BLACBUFF
typedef void(* VVFUNPTR) (Int, char *, char *)
typedef void(* SDRVPTR) (BLACSCONTEXT *, Int, Int, BLACBUFF *)


void BI_BlacsWarn (Int ConTxt, Int line, char *file, char *form,...)
void BI_BlacsErr (Int ConTxt, Int line, char *file, char *form,...)
Int BI_ContxtNum (BLACSCONTEXT *ctxt)
