LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 PROGRAM psscaex
3* -- ScaLAPACK example code --
4* University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
5* and University of California, Berkeley.
7* Written by Antoine Petitet, August 1995 (
9* This program solves a linear system by calling the ScaLAPACK
10* routine PSGESV. The input matrix and right-and-sides are
11* read from a file. The solution is written to a file.
13* .. Parameters ..
14 INTEGER realsz, intgsz, memsiz, totmem
15 parameter( realsz = 4, intgsz = 4, totmem = 2000000,
16 $ memsiz = totmem / realsz )
17 INTEGER block_cyclic_2d, csrc_, ctxt_, dlen_, dt_,
18 $ lld_, mb_, m_, nb_, n_, rsrc_
19 parameter( block_cyclic_2d = 1, dlen_ = 9, dt_ = 1,
20 $ ctxt_ = 2, m_ = 3, n_ = 4, mb_ = 5, nb_ = 6,
21 $ rsrc_ = 7, csrc_ = 8, lld_ = 9 )
22 REAL one
23 parameter( one = 1.0e+0 )
24* ..
25* .. Local Scalars ..
26 CHARACTER*80 outfile
27 INTEGER iam, ictxt, info, ipa, ipacpy, ipb, ippiv, ipx,
28 $ ipw, lipiv, mycol, myrow, n, nb, nout, npcol,
29 $ nprocs, nprow, np, nq, nqrhs, nrhs, worksiz
30 REAL anorm, bnorm, eps, xnorm, resid
31* ..
32* .. Local Arrays ..
33 INTEGER desca( dlen_ ), descb( dlen_ ), descx( dlen_ )
34 REAL mem( memsiz )
35* ..
36* .. External Subroutines ..
37 EXTERNAL blacs_exit, blacs_get, blacs_gridexit,
38 $ blacs_gridinfo, blacs_gridinit, blacs_pinfo,
39 $ descinit, igsum2d, pdscaexinfo, psgesv,
41* ..
42* .. External Functions ..
43 INTEGER iceil, numroc
44 REAL pslamch, pslange
45 EXTERNAL iceil, numroc, pslamch, pslange
46* ..
47* .. Intrinsic Functions ..
48 INTRINSIC dble, max
49* ..
50* .. Executable Statements ..
52* Get starting information
54 CALL blacs_pinfo( iam, nprocs )
55 CALL pdscaexinfo( outfile, nout, n, nrhs, nb, nprow, npcol, mem,
56 $ iam, nprocs )
58* Define process grid
60 CALL blacs_get( -1, 0, ictxt )
61 CALL blacs_gridinit( ictxt, 'Row-major', nprow, npcol )
62 CALL blacs_gridinfo( ictxt, nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol )
64* Go to bottom of process grid loop if this case doesn't use my
65* process
67 IF( myrow.GE.nprow .OR. mycol.GE.npcol )
68 $ GO TO 20
70 np = numroc( n, nb, myrow, 0, nprow )
71 nq = numroc( n, nb, mycol, 0, npcol )
72 nqrhs = numroc( nrhs, nb, mycol, 0, npcol )
74* Initialize the array descriptor for the matrix A and B
76 CALL descinit( desca, n, n, nb, nb, 0, 0, ictxt, max( 1, np ),
77 $ info )
78 CALL descinit( descb, n, nrhs, nb, nb, 0, 0, ictxt, max( 1, np ),
79 $ info )
80 CALL descinit( descx, n, nrhs, nb, nb, 0, 0, ictxt, max( 1, np ),
81 $ info )
83* Assign pointers into MEM for SCALAPACK arrays, A is
84* allocated starting at position MEM( 1 )
86 ipa = 1
87 ipacpy = ipa + desca( lld_ )*nq
88 ipb = ipacpy + desca( lld_ )*nq
89 ipx = ipb + descb( lld_ )*nqrhs
90 ippiv = ipx + descb( lld_ )*nqrhs
91 lipiv = iceil( intgsz*( np+nb ), realsz )
92 ipw = ippiv + max( np, lipiv )
94 worksiz = nb
96* Check for adequate memory for problem size
98 info = 0
99 IF( ipw+worksiz.GT.memsiz ) THEN
100 IF( iam.EQ.0 )
101 $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9998 ) 'test', ( ipw+worksiz )*realsz
102 info = 1
103 END IF
105* Check all processes for an error
107 CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, info, 1, -1, 0 )
108 IF( info.GT.0 ) THEN
109 IF( iam.EQ.0 )
110 $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 ) 'MEMORY'
111 GO TO 10
112 END IF
114* Read from file and distribute matrices A and B
116 CALL pslaread( 'SSCAEXMAT.dat', mem( ipa ), desca, 0, 0,
117 $ mem( ipw ) )
118 CALL pslaread( 'SSCAEXRHS.dat', mem( ipb ), descb, 0, 0,
119 $ mem( ipw ) )
121* Make a copy of A and the rhs for checking purposes
123 CALL pslacpy( 'All', n, n, mem( ipa ), 1, 1, desca,
124 $ mem( ipacpy ), 1, 1, desca )
125 CALL pslacpy( 'All', n, nrhs, mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb,
126 $ mem( ipx ), 1, 1, descx )
129* Call ScaLAPACK PSGESV routine
132 IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
133 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
134 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
135 $ '***********************************************'
136 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
137 $ 'Example of ScaLAPACK routine call: (PSGESV)'
138 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
139 $ '***********************************************'
140 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
141 WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'A * X = B, Matrix A:'
142 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
143 END IF
144 CALL pslaprnt( n, n, mem( ipa ), 1, 1, desca, 0, 0,
145 $ 'A', nout, mem( ipw ) )
146 IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
147 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
148 WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'Matrix B:'
149 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
150 END IF
151 CALL pslaprnt( n, nrhs, mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb, 0, 0,
152 $ 'B', nout, mem( ipw ) )
154 CALL psgesv( n, nrhs, mem( ipa ), 1, 1, desca, mem( ippiv ),
155 $ mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb, info )
157 IF( myrow.EQ.0 .AND. mycol.EQ.0 ) THEN
158 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
159 WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'INFO code returned by PSGESV = ', info
160 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
161 WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'Matrix X = A^{-1} * B'
162 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
163 END IF
164 CALL pslaprnt( n, nrhs, mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb, 0, 0, 'X', nout,
165 $ mem( ipw ) )
166 CALL pslawrite( 'SSCAEXSOL.dat', n, nrhs, mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb,
167 $ 0, 0, mem( ipw ) )
169* Compute residual ||A * X - B|| / ( ||X|| * ||A|| * eps * N )
171 eps = pslamch( ictxt, 'Epsilon' )
172 anorm = pslange( 'I', n, n, mem( ipa ), 1, 1, desca, mem( ipw ) )
173 bnorm = pslange( 'I', n, nrhs, mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb,
174 $ mem( ipw ) )
175 CALL psgemm( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', n, nrhs, n, one,
176 $ mem( ipacpy ), 1, 1, desca, mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb,
177 $ -one, mem( ipx ), 1, 1, descx )
178 xnorm = pslange( 'I', n, nrhs, mem( ipx ), 1, 1, descx,
179 $ mem( ipw ) )
180 resid = xnorm / ( anorm * bnorm * eps * dble( n ) )
182 IF( myrow.EQ.0 .AND. mycol.EQ.0 ) THEN
183 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
184 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
185 $ '||A * X - B|| / ( ||X|| * ||A|| * eps * N ) = ', resid
186 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
187 IF( resid.LT.10.0d+0 ) THEN
188 WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'The answer is correct.'
189 ELSE
190 WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'The answer is suspicious.'
191 END IF
192 END IF
196 CALL blacs_gridexit( ictxt )
200* Print ending messages and close output file
202 IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
203 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
204 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
205 WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 )
206 WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
207 IF( nout.NE.6 .AND. nout.NE.0 )
208 $ CLOSE ( nout )
209 END IF
211 CALL blacs_exit( 0 )
213 9999 FORMAT( 'Bad ', a6, ' parameters: going on to next test case.' )
214 9998 FORMAT( 'Unable to perform ', a, ': need TOTMEM of at least',
215 $ i11 )
216 9997 FORMAT( 'END OF TESTS.' )
218 stop
220* End of PSSCAEX
222 END
subroutine descinit(desc, m, n, mb, nb, irsrc, icsrc, ictxt, lld, info)
Definition descinit.f:3
integer function iceil(inum, idenom)
Definition iceil.f:2
integer function numroc(n, nb, iproc, isrcproc, nprocs)
Definition numroc.f:2
real function pslamch(ictxt, cmach)
Definition pcblastst.f:7455
#define max(A, B)
Definition pcgemr.c:180
subroutine pdscaexinfo(summry, nout, n, nrhs, nb, nprow, npcol, work, iam, nprocs)
Definition pdscaexinfo.f:3
subroutine psgesv(n, nrhs, a, ia, ja, desca, ipiv, b, ib, jb, descb, info)
Definition psgesv.f:3
subroutine pslacpy(uplo, m, n, a, ia, ja, desca, b, ib, jb, descb)
Definition pslacpy.f:3
real function pslange(norm, m, n, a, ia, ja, desca, work)
Definition pslange.f:3
subroutine pslaprnt(m, n, a, ia, ja, desca, irprnt, icprnt, cmatnm, nout, work)
Definition pslaprnt.f:3
subroutine pslaread(filnam, a, desca, irread, icread, work)
Definition pslaread.f:2
subroutine pslawrite(filnam, m, n, a, ia, ja, desca, irwrit, icwrit, work)
Definition pslawrite.f:3
program psscaex
Definition psscaex.f:1