LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
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pcblastst.f File Reference

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subroutine pcoptee (ictxt, nout, subptr, scode, sname)
subroutine pcchkopt (ictxt, nout, subptr, scode, sname, argnam, argpos)
subroutine pcdimee (ictxt, nout, subptr, scode, sname)
subroutine pcchkdim (ictxt, nout, subptr, scode, sname, argnam, argpos)
subroutine pcvecee (ictxt, nout, subptr, scode, sname)
subroutine pcmatee (ictxt, nout, subptr, scode, sname)
subroutine pcsetpblas (ictxt)
subroutine pcchkmat (ictxt, nout, subptr, scode, sname, argnam, argpos)
subroutine pccallsub (subptr, scode)
subroutine pcerrset (err, errmax, xtrue, x)
subroutine pcchkvin (errmax, n, x, px, ix, jx, descx, incx, info)
subroutine pcchkvout (n, x, px, ix, jx, descx, incx, info)
subroutine pcchkmin (errmax, m, n, a, pa, ia, ja, desca, info)
subroutine pcchkmout (m, n, a, pa, ia, ja, desca, info)
subroutine pcmprnt (ictxt, nout, m, n, a, lda, irprnt, icprnt, cmatnm)
subroutine pcvprnt (ictxt, nout, n, x, incx, irprnt, icprnt, cvecnm)
subroutine pcmvch (ictxt, trans, m, n, alpha, a, ia, ja, desca, x, ix, jx, descx, incx, beta, y, py, iy, jy, descy, incy, g, err, info)
subroutine pcvmch (ictxt, trans, uplo, m, n, alpha, x, ix, jx, descx, incx, y, iy, jy, descy, incy, a, pa, ia, ja, desca, g, err, info)
subroutine pcvmch2 (ictxt, uplo, m, n, alpha, x, ix, jx, descx, incx, y, iy, jy, descy, incy, a, pa, ia, ja, desca, g, err, info)
subroutine pcmmch (ictxt, transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, desca, b, ib, jb, descb, beta, c, pc, ic, jc, descc, ct, g, err, info)
subroutine pcmmch1 (ictxt, uplo, trans, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, desca, beta, c, pc, ic, jc, descc, ct, g, err, info)
subroutine pcmmch2 (ictxt, uplo, trans, n, k, alpha, a, ia, ja, desca, b, ib, jb, descb, beta, c, pc, ic, jc, descc, ct, g, err, info)
subroutine pcmmch3 (uplo, trans, m, n, alpha, a, ia, ja, desca, beta, c, pc, ic, jc, descc, err, info)
subroutine pcerraxpby (errbnd, alpha, x, beta, y, prec)
subroutine pcipset (toggle, n, a, ia, ja, desca)
real function pslamch (ictxt, cmach)
subroutine pclaset (uplo, m, n, alpha, beta, a, ia, ja, desca)
subroutine pclascal (type, m, n, alpha, a, ia, ja, desca)
subroutine pclagen (inplace, aform, diag, offa, m, n, ia, ja, desca, iaseed, a, lda)
subroutine pcladom (inplace, n, alpha, a, ia, ja, desca)
subroutine pb_pclaprnt (m, n, a, ia, ja, desca, irprnt, icprnt, cmatnm, nout, work)
subroutine pb_pclaprn2 (m, n, a, ia, ja, desca, irprnt, icprnt, cmatnm, nout, prow, pcol, work)
subroutine pb_cfillpad (ictxt, m, n, a, lda, ipre, ipost, chkval)
subroutine pb_cchekpad (ictxt, mess, m, n, a, lda, ipre, ipost, chkval)
subroutine pb_claset (uplo, m, n, ioffd, alpha, beta, a, lda)
subroutine pb_clascal (uplo, m, n, ioffd, alpha, a, lda)
subroutine pb_clagen (uplo, aform, a, lda, lcmt00, iran, mblks, imbloc, mb, lmbloc, nblks, inbloc, nb, lnbloc, jmp, imuladd)
real function pb_srand (idumm)
real function pb_sran (idumm)