Up: Performance and Troubleshooting
Previous: Accuracy and Stability
Errors and Poor Performance
If an error occurs, the user's first thought should be that the
successful use of LAPACK95 relies heavily on the proper installation
of the BLAS, LAPACK, and LAPACK95 packages. As mentioned earlier,
each of these includes a test suite that should be run as part
of the installation process.
If the error occurs during the installation
process, the user should follow the advice given in
Section 1.5.4. Henceforth it will be assumed that
the installation process (including the
running of the three test suites) was successful and that the error
first occurs in an application. Here the user should:
- Reread the documentation of the driver and computational
routines being used, paying particular attention to the
description of the argument INFO.
- Check the installation of machine dependencies
- In the case of an LAPACK95 driver routine, try to
reproduce the results of the numerical example(s) given for that routine
in Part II.
The user can write his own main program for this purpose
or use the one provided in the EXAMPLE1 directory of the LAPACK95
distribution file. (See Section 1.5.1).
- Consult the FAQ lists at the home pages
of the BLAS, LAPACK and LAPACK95.
- Consult the release_notes files at the
same home pages.
These files contain lists of known difficulties
that have been diagnosed and corrected (or will be
corrected in the next release), or reported to the vendor in the case
of machine-specific BLAS.
- Report the error to the Email address in
Section 1.6 with the following
information, if possible: A test case, a description of the problem and expected
results, and the actions, if any, that the user has already taken to fix the error.
With regard to poor performance, two
possible causes are an
inefficient version of the BLAS
for the given computer and an
incorrect installation of machine dependencies.
Up: Performance and Troubleshooting
Previous: Accuracy and Stability
Susan Blackford