Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

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Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

The singular value decomposition of an m-by-n matrix A is given by   

where U and V are orthogonal (unitary) and is an m-by-n diagonal matrix with real diagonal elements, , such that

The are the singular values of A and the first min(m , n) columns of U and V are the left and right singular vectors of A.   

The singular values and singular vectors satisfy:

where and are the i-th columns of U and V respectively.

A single driver  routine xGESVD     computes all or part of the singular value decomposition of a general nonsymmetric matrix (see Table 2.5).   A future version of LAPACK will include a driver based on divide and conquer, as in section

Type of                                 Single precision  Double precision
problem  Function and storage scheme    real     complex  real     complex
SEP      simple driver                  SSYEV    CHEEV    DSYEV    ZHEEV
         expert driver                  SSYEVX   CHEEVX   DSYEVX   ZHEEVX
         simple driver (packed storage) SSPEV    CHPEV    DSPEV    ZHPEV
         expert driver (packed storage) SSPEVX   CHPEVX   DSPEVX   ZHPEVX
         simple driver (band matrix)    SSBEV    CHBEV    DSBEV    ZHBEV
         expert driver (band matrix)    SSBEVX   CHBEVX   DSBEVX   ZHBEVX
         simple driver (tridiagonal     SSTEV             DSTEV   

         expert driver (tridiagonal     SSTEVX            DSTEVX  
NEP      simple driver for              SGEES    CGEES    DGEES    ZGEES
          Schur factorization

         expert driver for              SGEESX   CGEESX   DGEESX   ZGEESX
          Schur factorization

         simple driver for              SGEEV    CGEEV    DGEEV    ZGEEV

         expert driver for              SGEEVX   CGEEVX   DGEEVX   ZGEEVX
SVD      singular values/vectors        SGESVD   CGESVD   DGESVD   ZGESVD

Table 2.5: Driver routines for standard eigenvalue and singular value problems

Tue Nov 29 14:03:33 EST 1994