LAPACK 3.12.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
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larrj: step in stemr, refine eigval estimates
Collaboration diagram for larrj: step in stemr, refine eigval estimates:


subroutine dlarrj (n, d, e2, ifirst, ilast, rtol, offset, w, werr, work, iwork, pivmin, spdiam, info)
 DLARRJ performs refinement of the initial estimates of the eigenvalues of the matrix T.
subroutine slarrj (n, d, e2, ifirst, ilast, rtol, offset, w, werr, work, iwork, pivmin, spdiam, info)
 SLARRJ performs refinement of the initial estimates of the eigenvalues of the matrix T.

Detailed Description