LAPACK 3.12.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches
Collaboration diagram for larre: step in stemr:


subroutine dlarre (range, n, vl, vu, il, iu, d, e, e2, rtol1, rtol2, spltol, nsplit, isplit, m, w, werr, wgap, iblock, indexw, gers, pivmin, work, iwork, info)
 DLARRE given the tridiagonal matrix T, sets small off-diagonal elements to zero and for each unreduced block Ti, finds base representations and eigenvalues.
subroutine slarre (range, n, vl, vu, il, iu, d, e, e2, rtol1, rtol2, spltol, nsplit, isplit, m, w, werr, wgap, iblock, indexw, gers, pivmin, work, iwork, info)
 SLARRE given the tridiagonal matrix T, sets small off-diagonal elements to zero and for each unreduced block Ti, finds base representations and eigenvalues.

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