LAPACK 3.12.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
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Collaboration diagram for tgsy2: Sylvester equation panel (?):


subroutine ctgsy2 (trans, ijob, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, d, ldd, e, lde, f, ldf, scale, rdsum, rdscal, info)
 CTGSY2 solves the generalized Sylvester equation (unblocked algorithm).
subroutine dtgsy2 (trans, ijob, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, d, ldd, e, lde, f, ldf, scale, rdsum, rdscal, iwork, pq, info)
 DTGSY2 solves the generalized Sylvester equation (unblocked algorithm).
subroutine stgsy2 (trans, ijob, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, d, ldd, e, lde, f, ldf, scale, rdsum, rdscal, iwork, pq, info)
 STGSY2 solves the generalized Sylvester equation (unblocked algorithm).
subroutine ztgsy2 (trans, ijob, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, d, ldd, e, lde, f, ldf, scale, rdsum, rdscal, info)
 ZTGSY2 solves the generalized Sylvester equation (unblocked algorithm).

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