158 INTEGER lda, ldb, lwork, m, n, nrhs, rank, rksel, scale
159 DOUBLE PRECISION norma, normb
164 COMPLEX*16 a( lda, * ), b( ldb, * ), work( lwork )
170 DOUBLE PRECISION zero, one, two, svmin
171 parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0, one = 1.0d+0, two = 2.0d+0,
173 COMPLEX*16 czero, cone
174 parameter ( czero = ( 0.0d+0, 0.0d+0 ),
175 $ cone = ( 1.0d+0, 0.0d+0 ) )
179 DOUBLE PRECISION bignum, eps, smlnum, temp
182 DOUBLE PRECISION dummy( 1 )
193 INTRINSIC abs, dcmplx, max, min
198 IF( lwork.LT.max( m+mn, mn*nrhs, 2*n+m ) )
199 CALL xerbla(
'ZQRT15', 16 )
203 smlnum =
'Safe minimum' )
204 bignum = one / smlnum
205 CALL dlabad( smlnum, bignum )
207 smlnum = ( smlnum / eps ) / eps
208 bignum = one / smlnum
212 IF( rksel.EQ.1 )
214 ELSE IF( rksel.EQ.2 )
216 DO 10 j = rank + 1, mn
220 CALL xerbla(
'ZQRT15', 2 )
231 IF( temp.GT.svmin )
237 CALL dlaord(
'Decreasing', rank, s, 1 )
241 CALL zlarnv( 2, iseed, m, work )
243 CALL zlaset(
'Full', m, rank, czero, cone, a, lda )
244 CALL zlarf(
'Left', m, rank, work, 1, dcmplx( two ), a, lda,
251 CALL zlarnv( 2, iseed, rank*nrhs, work )
252 CALL zgemm(
'No transpose',
'No transpose', m, nrhs, rank,
253 $ cone, a, lda, work, rank, czero, b, ldb )
260 CALL zdscal( m, s( j ), a( 1, j ), 1 )
263 $
CALL zlaset(
'Full', m, n-rank, czero, czero,
264 $ a( 1, rank+1 ), lda )
265 CALL zlaror(
'No initialization', m, n, a, lda, iseed,
277 CALL zlaset(
'Full', m, n, czero, czero, a, lda )
278 CALL zlaset(
'Full', m, nrhs, czero, czero, b, ldb )
284 IF( scale.NE.1 )
285 norma =
'Max', m, n, a, lda, dummy )
286 IF( norma.NE.zero )
287 IF( scale.EQ.2 )
291 CALL zlascl(
'General', 0, 0, norma, bignum, m, n, a,
293 CALL dlascl(
'General', 0, 0, norma, bignum, mn, 1, s,
295 CALL zlascl(
'General', 0, 0, norma, bignum, m, nrhs, b,
297 ELSE IF( scale.EQ.3 )
301 CALL zlascl(
'General', 0, 0, norma, smlnum, m, n, a,
303 CALL dlascl(
'General', 0, 0, norma, smlnum, mn, 1, s,
305 CALL zlascl(
'General', 0, 0, norma, smlnum, m, nrhs, b,
308 CALL xerbla(
'ZQRT15', 1 )
314 norma =
dasum( mn, s, 1 )
315 normb =
'One-norm', m, nrhs, b, ldb, dummy )
subroutine zlarnv(IDIST, ISEED, N, X)
ZLARNV returns a vector of random numbers from a uniform or normal distribution.
double precision function dlamch(CMACH)
subroutine zlaror(SIDE, INIT, M, N, A, LDA, ISEED, X, INFO)
subroutine dlascl(TYPE, KL, KU, CFROM, CTO, M, N, A, LDA, INFO)
DLASCL multiplies a general rectangular matrix by a real scalar defined as cto/cfrom.
subroutine zgemm(TRANSA, TRANSB, M, N, K, ALPHA, A, LDA, B, LDB, BETA, C, LDC)
subroutine zlaset(UPLO, M, N, ALPHA, BETA, A, LDA)
ZLASET initializes the off-diagonal elements and the diagonal elements of a matrix to given values...
subroutine dlaord(JOB, N, X, INCX)
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
subroutine dlabad(SMALL, LARGE)
double precision function dlarnd(IDIST, ISEED)
double precision function dznrm2(N, X, INCX)
double precision function zlange(NORM, M, N, A, LDA, WORK)
ZLANGE returns the value of the 1-norm, Frobenius norm, infinity-norm, or the largest absolute value ...
double precision function dasum(N, DX, INCX)
subroutine zdscal(N, DA, ZX, INCX)
subroutine zlascl(TYPE, KL, KU, CFROM, CTO, M, N, A, LDA, INFO)
ZLASCL multiplies a general rectangular matrix by a real scalar defined as cto/cfrom.
subroutine zlarf(SIDE, M, N, V, INCV, TAU, C, LDC, WORK)
ZLARF applies an elementary reflector to a general rectangular matrix.