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MATLAB Templates

The templates are ready for immediate use or as a departure point for generalization,[*] e.g. problems over multiple variables with orthogonality constraints, or code optimizations. In the simplest mode, the user needs only to supply a function to minimize $F(Y)$ (and first and second derivatives, optionally) in F.m (in dF.m and ddF.m) and an initial guess Y0. The calling sequence is then a single call to sg_min (named in honor of Stiefel and Grassmann):

   [fopt, yopt] =  sg_min(Y0).

For example, if the function F.m has the form

   function f=F(Y)
   f=trace( Y' * diag(1:10) * Y * diag(1:3) );
we can call sg_min(rand(10,3)), which specifies a random starting point.

We strongly recommend also providing first derivative information:

   function df=dF(Y)
   df =  2 * diag(1:10) * Y * diag(1:3);
The code can do finite differences, but it is very slow and problematic. Second derivative information can also be provided by the user (this is not nearly as crucial for speed as providing first derivative information, but may improve accuracy):
   function ddf=ddF(Y,H)
   ddf =  2 * diag(1:10) * H * diag(1:3);
A sample test call where $F(Y)$ is known to have optimal value $10$ is
>> rand('state',0);	% initialize random number generator
>> fmin = sg_min(rand(10,3))
iter    grad            F(Y)              flops         step type
0       1.877773e+01    3.132748e+01         2470       none
  invdgrad: Hessian not positive definite, CG terminating early
1       1.342879e+01    2.011465e+01       163639       Newton step
  invdgrad: Hessian not positive definite, CG terminating early
2       1.130915e+01    1.368044e+01       344198       Newton step
  invdgrad: Hessian not positive definite, CG terminating early
3       5.974819e+00    1.063045e+01       515919       Newton step
  invdgrad: max iterations reached inverting the Hessian by CG
4       1.135417e+00    1.006835e+01       789520       Newton step
5       5.526359e-02    1.000009e+01      1049594       Newton step
6       5.072118e-05    1.000000e+01      1337540       Newton step
7       1.276025e-06    1.000000e+01      1762455       Newton step
fmin =

The full calling sequence to sg_min is

   [fopt, yopt]=sg_min(Y0,rc,mode,metric,motion,verbose,...
where Y0 is required and the optional arguments are (see Table 9.1):

Table 9.1: A short list of the optional arguments for sg_min
Argument Description
rc {'real', 'complex' }
mode {'newton', 'dog', 'prcg', 'frcg' }
metric {'flat', 'euclidean', 'canonical' }
motion {'approximate', 'exact' }
verbose {'verbose', 'quiet'}
ftol First convergence tolerance
gradtol Second convergence tolerance
partition Partition of $p$ indicating symmetries of $f$

specifies whether the matrices will have complex entries or not. Although most of the code is insensitive to this issue, rc is vital for counting the dimension of the problem correctly. When omitted, sg_min guesses are based on whether Y0 has nonzero imaginary part.

selects the optimization method that will be used. 'newton' selects Newton's method with a conjugate gradient-based inversion of the Hessian. 'dog' selects a dog-leg step algorithm which interpolates a steepest descent and a Newton's method step. 'frcg' selects a Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient. Lastly, 'prcg' selects a Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient, which has the advantage that it does not require a very accurate Hessian (and thus it is the safest of these methods if one uses a finite difference approximation to implement ddF.m). While 'newton' is the default, this is by no means our endorsement of it over the other methods, which might be more accurate and less expensive for some problems.

selects the kind of geometry with which to endow the constraint surface. This ultimately affects the definition of the covariant Hessian. 'flat' projects the result of applying the unconstrained Hessian onto the tangent space, while 'euclidean' and 'canonical' add on connection terms specific to their geometries. 'euclidean' is the default.

selects whether line movement along the manifold will be by the analytic solution to the geodesic equations of motions for the metric selected or by a computationally less expensive approximation to the solution (default). (For a 'flat' metric, there is no geodesic equation, so this argument has no effect in that case.)

determines whether the function will display reports on each iteration while the function executes. When this argument is 'verbose' (the default) data will be displayed and also recorded in the global SGdata. When this argument is 'quiet' then no convergence data is displayed or recorded.

gradtol and ftol
We declare convergence if both of two conditions are true:
grad/gradinit < gradtol (default 1e-7) or (f-fold)/f < ftol (default 1e-10), where gradinit is the initial magnitude of the gradient and fold is the value of $F(Y)$ at the last iteration.

is a cell array whose elements are vectors of indices that represent a disjoint partition of 1:p. If $F$ has no symmetry, then the partition is num2cell(1:p). If $F(Y)=F(YQ)$ for all orthogonal $Q$, then the partition is {1:p}. The partition is {1:2,3:5} if the symmetry in $F$ is $F(Y)=F(YQ)$ for orthogonal $Q$ with sparsity structure

\times & \times & & & \\
\tim... \\
& & \times & \times & \times \\
\end{array} \right] . \end{displaymath}

The user could equally well specify {3:5,1:2} or {[5 3 4],[2 1]} for the partition; i.e., a partition is a set of sets. The purpose of the partition is to project away the null space of the Hessian resulting from any block-diagonal orthogonal symmetries of $F(Y)$. If the argument is omitted, our code will pick a partition by determining the symmetries of $F$ (using its partition.m function). However, the user should be aware that a wrong partition can destroy convergence.

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Susan Blackford 2000-11-20