Next: Golub-Kahan-Lanczos Bidiagonalization Procedure.
Up: Iterative Algorithms J.
Previous: Which Singular Values and
Golub-Kahan-Lanczos Method
We have seen that the Hermitian eigenvalue problem and the singular
value decomposition are closely related. The singular values of
a matrix are the square roots of the eigenvalues of
Hermitian matrix .
Consequently, we can calculate singular values by applying the
Hermitian Lanczos method to .
The matrix-vector product required by the algorithm
can be computed in the form
In this section we consider applying the Lanczos method
of §4.4 to . The special
structure of lets us choose a special starting vector
that leads to a cheaper algorithm that produces two sequences of
vectors, one intended to span the left singular vectors
and one for the right singular vectors.
In addition, it reduces to bidiagonal form ;
i.e., is nonzero only on the main diagonal and first
superdiagonal. We derive it from first principles and then show
how it is related to Lanczos as described in §4.4.
Next: Golub-Kahan-Lanczos Bidiagonalization Procedure.
Up: Iterative Algorithms J.
Previous: Which Singular Values and
Susan Blackford