Implementation on MPPs

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Implementation on MPPs

Figure gif shows the way the pvm_psend()-pvm_precv(), PvmDataInPlace, and PvmDataRaw are implemented on the MPPs. In the rest of this paper, we will frequently refer to this figure in order to discuss its impact on the performance of PVM. Note that in the figure, we have presented the steps of pvm_send() and pvm_recv() for two noncontiguous data in the user space. We have also represented the possible extra buffering in the native system on the receiving end. This is the way buffering is done on the Intel Paragon. On the CM-5 and the SP2, however, the buffering is done on the sending end for the native asynchronous blocking send.

Figure: PVM implementation on MPPs

Jack Dongarra
Thu Jul 20 07:22:58 EDT 1995