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Master test programs have been designed, developed and included with the submitted code. This package consists of several main programs and a set of subprograms generating test data and comparing the results with data obtained by element-wise computations or the sequential BLAS. These testing programs assume the correctness of the BLAS and the BLACS routines; it is therefore highly recommended to run the testing programs provided with both of these packages before performing any PBLAS test. A separate test program exists for each of the four data types ( real, complex, double precision and complex16 ) as well as each PBLAS level. All test programs conform to the same pattern with only the minimum necessary changes. These programs have been designed not merely to check whether the model implementation has been correctly installed, but also to serve as a validation tool and a modest debugging aid for any specialized implementation.

These programs have the following features:

Input data files are supplied with every test program, but installers and implementors must be alert to the possible need to extend or modify them. Values of the elements of the matrix operands are uniformly distributed over . Care is taken to ensure that the data have full working accuracy. Elements in the distributed matrices that are not to be referenced by a subprogram are either checked after exiting the routine or set to a ``rogue'' value to increase the likelihood that a reference to them will be detected. If a computational error is reported and an element of the computed result is of order , then the routine has almost certainly referenced the wrong element of the array.

After each call to a subprogram being tested, its operation is checked in two ways. First, each of its input arguments, including all elements of the distributed operands, is checked to see if it has been altered by the subprogram. If any argument, other than the specified elements of the result scalar, vector or matrix, has been modified, an error is reported. This check includes the supposedly unreferenced elements of the distributed matrices. Second, the resulting scalar, vector or matrix computed by the subprogram is compared with the corresponding result obtained by the sequential BLAS or by simple Fortran code. We do not expect exact agreement because the two results are not necessarily computed by the same sequences of floating point operations. We do, however, expect the differences to be small relative to working precision. The error bounds are then the same as the ones used in the BLAS testers. A more detailed description of those tests can be found in [12][11]. The test ratio is determined by scaling these error bounds by the inverse of machine epsilon . This ratio is compared with a constant threshold value defined in the input data file. Test ratios greater than the threshold are flagged as ``suspect''. On the basis of the BLAS experience a threshold value of 16 is recommended. The precise value is not critical. Errors in the routines are most likely to be errors in array indexing, which will almost certainly lead to a totally wrong result. A more subtle potential error is the use of a single precision variable in a double precision computation. This is likely to lead to a loss of half the machine epsilon. The test programs regard a test ratio greater than as an error.

The PBLAS testing programs are thus very similar to what has been done for the BLAS. However, it was necessary to slightly depart from the way the BLAS testing programs operate due to the difficulties inherent to the testing of programs written for distributed-memory computers.

The first obstacle is due to the significant increase of testing parameters. Indeed, programs for distributed-memory computers need to be tested for virtually any number of processes. Moreover, it should also be possible to vary the data distribution parameters such as the block sizes defined in Sect. 3.2. These facts motivated the decision to permit a user configurable set of tests for every routine. Consequently, one can test the PBLAS with any possible machine configuration as well as data layout.

The second more subtle difficulty is due to the routines producing an output scalar such as PNRM2. Because of the block-cyclic decomposition properties and the fact that vector operands are so far restricted to a matrix row or column, it follows that only one process row or column will own the input vector. This process row or column is subsequently called the vector scope by analogy with the BLACS terminology. The question becomes: which processes should get the correct result ? It experimentally appeared convenient to broadcast the result to every process in the vector scope only and set it to zero elsewhere. If this scalar is needed by every process in the grid, it is the user's responsibility to broadcast it. Consequently, such routines need only to be called by the processes in the vector scope. Moreover, this appropriate specification to what is needed by the ScaLAPACK routines introduces a slight ambiguity when one wants to compute for example the norm of a column of a 1-by-N distributed matrix. Indeed, this 1-column can equivalently be seen as a row subsection containing one entry. In practice, this case rarely occurs. Should it happen, the PBLAS routines return the correct result only in the process owning the input vector operand and zero in every other grid process.

Finally, there are special challenges associated with writing and testing numerical software to be executed on networks containing heterogeneous processors [4], i.e., processors which perform floating point arithmetic differently. This includes not just machines with different floating point formats and semantics such as Cray computers and workstations performing IEEE standard floating point arithmetic, but even supposedly identical machines running different compilers or even just different compiler options. Moreover, on such networks, floating point data transfers between two processes may require a data conversion phase and thus a possible loss of accuracy. It is therefore impractical, error-prone and difficult to compare supposedly identical computed scalars on such heterogeneous networks. As a consequence, the validity and correctness of the tests performed can only be guaranteed for networks of processors with identical floating point formats.

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Jack Dongarra
Thu Aug 3 07:53:00 EDT 1995