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The Hash Table

During the tree search, the same board position may occur several times. There are two reasons for this. The first is transposition, or the fact that the same board position can be reached by different sequences of moves. The second reason is iterative deepening-the same position will be reached in the depth two search, the depth three search, and so on. The hash table is a way of storing information about positions which have already been searched; if the same position is reached again, the search can be sped up or eliminated entirely by using this information.

The hash table plays a central role in a good chess program and so we will describe it in some detail. First of all, the hash table is a form of content-addressable memory-with each chess board (a node in the chess tree) we wish to associate some slot in the table. Therefore, a hashing function h is required, which maps chess boards to slots in the table. The function h is designed so as to scatter similar boards across the table. This is done because in any single search the boards appearing in the tree differ by just a few moves and we wish to avoid collisions (different boards mapping to the same slot) as much as possible. Our hash function is taken from [Zobrist:70a]. Each slot in the table contains

Instead of just blindly generating all legal moves at a position and then going down these lines of play, the hash table is first queried about the position. Occasionally, the hash table bounds are so well-determined as to cause an immediate alpha-beta cutoff. More often, the hash table has a suggested move to try and this is searched first. The 64-bit collision check is employed to ensure that the slot has information about the same position that the program is currently considering (remember, more than one chess board can map to the same slot in the table).

Whenever the program completes the search of a subtree of substantial size (i.e., one of depth greater than some minimum), the knowledge gained is written into the hash table. The writing is not completely naive, however. The table contains only a finite number of slots, so collisions occur; writeback acts to keep the most valuable information. The depth field of the slot helps in making the decision as to what is most valuable. The information coming from the subtree of greater depth (and hence, greater value) is kept.

The staleness flag allows us to keep information from one search to the next. When time runs out and a search is considered finished, the hash table is not simply cleared. Instead, the staleness flag is set in all slots. If, during the next search, a read is done on a stale slot the staleness flag is cleared, the idea being that this position again seems to be useful. On writeback, if the staleness flag is set, the slot is simply overwritten, without checking the depths. This prevents the hash table from becoming clogged with old information.

Proper use of an intelligent hash table such as the one described above gives one, in effect, a ``principal variation'' throughout the chess tree. As discussed in [Ebeling:85a], a hash table can effectively give near-perfect move ordering and hence, very efficient pruning.

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Guy Robinson
Wed Mar 1 10:19:35 EST 1995