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11.4.1 Background on Local Search Heuristics


In a local search method, one first defines a neighborhood topology on the set of all tours. For instance, one might define the neighborhood of a tour to be all those tours which can be obtained by changing at most k edges of . A tour is said to be locally opt if no tour in its neighborhood is shorter than it. One can search for locally opt tours by starting with a random tour and performing k-changes on it as long as the tour length decreases. In this way, one constructs a sequence of tours , , . Eventually the process stops and one has reached a local opt tour. Lin [Lin:65a] studied the case of k=2 and k=3, and showed that one could get quite good tours quickly. Furthermore, since in general there are quite a few locally opt tours, in order to find the globally optimal tour, he suggested repeating this process from random starts many times until one was confident all the locally opt tours had been found. Unfortunately, the number of local opt tours rises exponentially with N, the number of cities. Thus in general, it is more efficient to use a more sophisticated local opt (say higher k) than to try to repeat the search from random starts many times. The current state-of-the-art optimization heuristic is an algorithm due to Lin and Kernighan [Lin:73a]. It is a variable depth k-neighborhood search, and it is the benchmark against which all heuristics are tested. Since it is significantly better than three-opt, for any instance of the TSP, there are many fewer L-K-opt tours than there are three-opt tours. This postpones the problem of doing exponentially many random starts until one reaches N on the order of a few hundred. For still larger N, the number of L-K-opt tours itself gets unmanageable. Given that one really does want to tackle these larger problems, there are two natural ways to go. First, one can try to extend the neighborhood which L-K considers, just as L-K extended the neighborhood of three-changes. Second, one expects that instead of sampling the local opt tours in a random way as is done by applying the local searches from random starts many times, it might be possible to obtain local opt tours in a more efficient way, say via a sampling with a bias in favor of the shorter tours. We will see that this gives rise to an algorithm which indeed enables one to solve much larger instances.

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Guy Robinson
Wed Mar 1 10:19:35 EST 1995