Results of the algorithm show that the adaptive method is capable of effectively reducing the solution error. In the last Figures 6.41 to 6.43, we show two test images (showing a ``plaid'' pattern and a natural scene), with the obtained optical flow.
For the ``plaid'' image, we show the r.m.s. error obtained with the adaptive (lower-line) and homogeneous (upper-line) scheme and the resulting fields.
For the natural image, we show in Figure 6.42, the average computed velocity (in a region centered on the pine cone) as a function of the correct velocity for different number of layers. Increasing the number of resolution grids increases the range of velocities that are detected correctly by the algorithm. The pine cone is moving upward at the rate of 1.6 pixels per frame. The multiscale algorithm is always better than single-level algorithm, especially at larger velocity .