ScaLAPACK 2.1  2.1
ScaLAPACK: Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  PROGRAM pcdtdriver
2 *
3 *
4 * -- ScaLAPACK routine (version 1.7) --
5 * University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
6 * and University of California, Berkeley.
7 * November 15, 1997
8 *
9 * Purpose
10 * =======
11 *
12 * PCDTDRIVER is a test program for the
13 * ScaLAPACK Band Cholesky routines corresponding to the options
14 * indicated by CDT. This test driver performs an
15 * A = L*U factorization
16 * and solves a linear system with the factors for 1 or more RHS.
17 *
18 * The program must be driven by a short data file.
19 * Here's an example file:
20 *'ScaLAPACK, Version 1.2, banded linear systems input file'
21 *'PVM.'
22 *'' output file name (if any)
23 *6 device out
24 *'L' define Lower or Upper
25 *9 number of problem sizes
26 *1 5 17 28 37 121 200 1023 2048 3073 values of N
27 *6 number of bandwidths
28 *1 2 4 10 31 64 values of BW
29 *1 number of NB's
30 *-1 3 4 5 values of NB (-1 for automatic choice)
31 *1 number of NRHS's (must be 1)
32 *8 values of NRHS
33 *1 number of NBRHS's (ignored)
34 *1 values of NBRHS (ignored)
35 *6 number of process grids
36 *1 2 3 4 5 7 8 15 26 47 64 values of "Number of Process Columns"
37 *3.0 threshold
38 *
39 * Internal Parameters
40 * ===================
41 *
42 * TOTMEM INTEGER, default = 6200000.
43 * TOTMEM is a machine-specific parameter indicating the
44 * maximum amount of available memory in bytes.
45 * The user should customize TOTMEM to his platform. Remember
46 * to leave room in memory for the operating system, the BLACS
47 * buffer, etc. For example, on a system with 8 MB of memory
48 * per process (e.g., one processor on an Intel iPSC/860), the
49 * parameters we use are TOTMEM=6200000 (leaving 1.8 MB for OS,
50 * code, BLACS buffer, etc). However, for PVM, we usually set
51 * TOTMEM = 2000000. Some experimenting with the maximum value
52 * of TOTMEM may be required.
53 *
54 * INTGSZ INTEGER, default = 4 bytes.
55 * CPLXSZ INTEGER, default = 8 bytes.
56 * INTGSZ and CPLXSZ indicate the length in bytes on the
57 * given platform for an integer and a single precision
58 * complex.
59 * MEM DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( TOTMEM/CPLXSZ )
60 * All arrays used by ScaLAPACK routines are allocated from
61 * this array and referenced by pointers. The integer IPB,
62 * for example, is a pointer to the starting element of MEM for
63 * the solution vector(s) B.
64 *
65 * =====================================================================
66 *
67 * Code Developer: Andrew J. Cleary, University of Tennessee.
68 * Current address: Lawrence Livermore National Labs.
69 * This version released: August, 2001.
70 *
71 * =====================================================================
72 *
73 * .. Parameters ..
74  INTEGER totmem
75  parameter( totmem = 3000000 )
76  INTEGER block_cyclic_2d, csrc_, ctxt_, dlen_, dtype_,
77  $ lld_, mb_, m_, nb_, n_, rsrc_
78  parameter( block_cyclic_2d = 1, dlen_ = 9, dtype_ = 1,
79  $ ctxt_ = 2, m_ = 3, n_ = 4, mb_ = 5, nb_ = 6,
80  $ rsrc_ = 7, csrc_ = 8, lld_ = 9 )
81 *
82  REAL zero
83  INTEGER cplxsz, memsiz, ntests
84  COMPLEX padval
85  parameter( cplxsz = 8,
86  $ memsiz = totmem / cplxsz, ntests = 20,
87  $ padval = ( -9923.0e+0, -9923.0e+0 ),
88  $ zero = 0.0e+0 )
89  INTEGER int_one
90  parameter( int_one = 1 )
91 * ..
92 * .. Local Scalars ..
93  LOGICAL check
94  CHARACTER trans
95  CHARACTER*6 passed
96  CHARACTER*80 outfile
97  INTEGER bwl, bwu, bw_num, fillin_size, free_ptr, h, hh,
98  $ i, iam, iaseed, ibseed, ictxt, ictxtb,
99  $ ierr_temp, imidpad, info, ipa, ipb, ipostpad,
100  $ iprepad, ipw, ipw_size, ipw_solve,
101  $ ipw_solve_size, ip_driver_w, ip_fillin, j, k,
102  $ kfail, kpass, kskip, ktests, mycol, myrhs_size,
103  $ myrow, n, nb, nbw, ngrids, nmat, nnb, nnbr,
104  $ nnr, nout, np, npcol, nprocs, nprocs_real,
105  $ nprow, nq, nrhs, n_first, n_last, worksiz
106  REAL anorm, sresid, thresh
107  DOUBLE PRECISION nops, nops2, tmflops, tmflops2
108 * ..
109 * .. Local Arrays ..
110  INTEGER bwlval( ntests ), bwuval( ntests ), desca( 7 ),
111  $ desca2d( dlen_ ), descb( 7 ), descb2d( dlen_ ),
112  $ ierr( 1 ), nbrval( ntests ), nbval( ntests ),
113  $ nrval( ntests ), nval( ntests ),
114  $ pval( ntests ), qval( ntests )
115  DOUBLE PRECISION ctime( 2 ), wtime( 2 )
116  COMPLEX mem( memsiz )
117 * ..
118 * .. External Subroutines ..
119  EXTERNAL blacs_barrier, blacs_exit, blacs_get,
120  $ blacs_gridexit, blacs_gridinfo, blacs_gridinit,
121  $ blacs_pinfo, descinit, igsum2d, pcbmatgen,
124  $ slcombine, sltimer
125 * ..
126 * .. External Functions ..
127  INTEGER numroc
128  LOGICAL lsame
129  REAL pclange
130  EXTERNAL lsame, numroc, pclange
131 * ..
132 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
133  INTRINSIC dble, max, min, mod
134 * ..
135 * .. Data Statements ..
136  DATA kfail, kpass, kskip, ktests / 4*0 /
137 * ..
138 *
139 *
140 *
141 * .. Executable Statements ..
142 *
143 * Get starting information
144 *
145  CALL blacs_pinfo( iam, nprocs )
146  iaseed = 100
147  ibseed = 200
148 *
149  CALL pcdtinfo( outfile, nout, trans, nmat, nval, ntests, nbw,
150  $ bwlval, bwuval, ntests, nnb, nbval, ntests, nnr,
151  $ nrval, ntests, nnbr, nbrval, ntests, ngrids, pval,
152  $ ntests, qval, ntests, thresh, mem, iam, nprocs )
153 *
154  check = ( thresh.GE.0.0e+0 )
155 *
156 * Print headings
157 *
158  IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
159  WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
160  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9995 )
161  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9994 )
162  WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
163  END IF
164 *
165 * Loop over different process grids
166 *
167  DO 60 i = 1, ngrids
168 *
169  nprow = pval( i )
170  npcol = qval( i )
171 *
172 * Make sure grid information is correct
173 *
174  ierr( 1 ) = 0
175  IF( nprow.LT.1 ) THEN
176  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
177  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 ) 'GRID', 'nprow', nprow
178  ierr( 1 ) = 1
179  ELSE IF( npcol.LT.1 ) THEN
180  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
181  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 ) 'GRID', 'npcol', npcol
182  ierr( 1 ) = 1
183  ELSE IF( nprow*npcol.GT.nprocs ) THEN
184  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
185  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9998 ) nprow*npcol, nprocs
186  ierr( 1 ) = 1
187  END IF
188 *
189  IF( ierr( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN
190  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
191  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 ) 'grid'
192  kskip = kskip + 1
193  GO TO 50
194  END IF
195 *
196 * Define process grid
197 *
198  CALL blacs_get( -1, 0, ictxt )
199  CALL blacs_gridinit( ictxt, 'Row-major', nprow, npcol )
200 *
201 *
202 * Define transpose process grid
203 *
204  CALL blacs_get( -1, 0, ictxtb )
205  CALL blacs_gridinit( ictxtb, 'Column-major', npcol, nprow )
206 *
207 * Go to bottom of process grid loop if this case doesn't use my
208 * process
209 *
210  CALL blacs_gridinfo( ictxt, nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol )
211 *
212  IF( myrow.LT.0 .OR. mycol.LT.0 ) THEN
213  GO TO 50
214  ENDIF
215 *
216  DO 40 j = 1, nmat
217 *
218  ierr( 1 ) = 0
219 *
220  n = nval( j )
221 *
222 * Make sure matrix information is correct
223 *
224  IF( n.LT.1 ) THEN
225  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
226  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 ) 'MATRIX', 'N', n
227  ierr( 1 ) = 1
228  END IF
229 *
230 * Check all processes for an error
231 *
232  CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, ierr, 1,
233  $ -1, 0 )
234 *
235  IF( ierr( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN
236  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
237  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 ) 'size'
238  kskip = kskip + 1
239  GO TO 40
240  END IF
241 *
242 *
243  DO 45 bw_num = 1, nbw
244 *
245  ierr( 1 ) = 0
246 *
247  bwl = 1
248  IF( bwl.LT.1 ) THEN
249  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
250  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 ) 'Lower Band', 'bwl', bwl
251  ierr( 1 ) = 1
252  END IF
253 *
254  bwu = 1
255  IF( bwu.LT.1 ) THEN
256  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
257  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 ) 'Upper Band', 'bwu', bwu
258  ierr( 1 ) = 1
259  END IF
260 *
261  IF( bwl.GT.n-1 ) THEN
262  IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
263  ierr( 1 ) = 1
264  ENDIF
265  END IF
266 *
267  IF( bwu.GT.n-1 ) THEN
268  IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
269  ierr( 1 ) = 1
270  ENDIF
271  END IF
272 *
273 * Check all processes for an error
274 *
275  CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, ierr, 1,
276  $ -1, 0 )
277 *
278  IF( ierr( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN
279  kskip = kskip + 1
280  GO TO 45
281  END IF
282 *
283  DO 30 k = 1, nnb
284 *
285  ierr( 1 ) = 0
286 *
287  nb = nbval( k )
288  IF( nb.LT.0 ) THEN
289  nb =( (n-(npcol-1)*int_one-1)/npcol + 1 )
290  $ + int_one
291  nb = max( nb, 2*int_one )
292  nb = min( n, nb )
293  END IF
294 *
295 * Make sure NB is legal
296 *
297  ierr( 1 ) = 0
298  IF( nb.LT.min( 2*int_one, n ) ) THEN
299  ierr( 1 ) = 1
300  END IF
301 *
302 * Check all processes for an error
303 *
304  CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, ierr, 1,
305  $ -1, 0 )
306 *
307  IF( ierr( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN
308  kskip = kskip + 1
309  GO TO 30
310  END IF
311 *
312 * Padding constants
313 *
314  np = numroc( (3), (3),
315  $ myrow, 0, nprow )
316  nq = numroc( n, nb, mycol, 0, npcol )
317 *
318  IF( check ) THEN
319  iprepad = ((3)+10)
320  imidpad = 10
321  ipostpad = ((3)+10)
322  ELSE
323  iprepad = 0
324  imidpad = 0
325  ipostpad = 0
326  END IF
327 *
328 * Initialize the array descriptor for the matrix A
329 *
330  CALL descinit( desca2d, n, (3),
331  $ nb, 1, 0, 0,
332  $ ictxtb, nb+10, ierr( 1 ) )
333 *
334 * Convert this to 1D descriptor
335 *
336  desca( 1 ) = 501
337  desca( 3 ) = n
338  desca( 4 ) = nb
339  desca( 5 ) = 0
340  desca( 2 ) = ictxt
341  desca( 6 ) = ((3)+10)
342  desca( 7 ) = 0
343 *
344  ierr_temp = ierr( 1 )
345  ierr( 1 ) = 0
346  ierr( 1 ) = min( ierr( 1 ), ierr_temp )
347 *
348 * Check all processes for an error
349 *
350  CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, ierr, 1, -1, 0 )
351 *
352  IF( ierr( 1 ).LT.0 ) THEN
353  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
354  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 ) 'descriptor'
355  kskip = kskip + 1
356  GO TO 30
357  END IF
358 *
359 * Assign pointers into MEM for SCALAPACK arrays, A is
360 * allocated starting at position MEM( IPREPAD+1 )
361 *
362  free_ptr = 1
363  ipb = 0
364 *
365 * Save room for prepadding
366  free_ptr = free_ptr + iprepad
367 *
368  ipa = free_ptr
369  free_ptr = free_ptr + (nb+10)*(3)
370  $ + ipostpad
371 *
372 * Add memory for fillin
373 * Fillin space needs to store:
374 * Fillin spike:
375 * Contribution to previous proc's diagonal block of
376 * reduced system:
377 * Off-diagonal block of reduced system:
378 * Diagonal block of reduced system:
379 *
380  fillin_size =
381  $ (12*npcol+3*nb)
382 *
383 * Claim memory for fillin
384 *
385  free_ptr = free_ptr + iprepad
386  ip_fillin = free_ptr
387  free_ptr = free_ptr + fillin_size
388 *
389 * Workspace needed by computational routines:
390 *
391  ipw_size = 0
392 *
393 * factorization:
394 *
395  ipw_size = 8*npcol
396 *
397 * Claim memory for IPW
398 *
399  ipw = free_ptr
400  free_ptr = free_ptr + ipw_size
401 *
402 * Check for adequate memory for problem size
403 *
404  ierr( 1 ) = 0
405  IF( free_ptr.GT.memsiz ) THEN
406  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
407  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9996 )
408  $ 'divide and conquer factorization',
409  $ (free_ptr )*cplxsz
410  ierr( 1 ) = 1
411  END IF
412 *
413 * Check all processes for an error
414 *
415  CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, ierr,
416  $ 1, -1, 0 )
417 *
418  IF( ierr( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN
419  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
420  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 ) 'MEMORY'
421  kskip = kskip + 1
422  GO TO 30
423  END IF
424 *
425 * Worksize needed for LAPRNT
426  worksiz = max( ((3)+10), nb )
427 *
428  IF( check ) THEN
429 *
430 * Calculate the amount of workspace required by
431 * the checking routines.
432 *
434  worksiz = max( worksiz, desca2d( nb_ ) )
435 *
437  worksiz = max( worksiz,
438  $ max(5,nb)+2*nb )
439  END IF
440 *
441  free_ptr = free_ptr + iprepad
442  ip_driver_w = free_ptr
443  free_ptr = free_ptr + worksiz + ipostpad
444 *
445 *
446 * Check for adequate memory for problem size
447 *
448  ierr( 1 ) = 0
449  IF( free_ptr.GT.memsiz ) THEN
450  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
451  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9996 ) 'factorization',
452  $ ( free_ptr )*cplxsz
453  ierr( 1 ) = 1
454  END IF
455 *
456 * Check all processes for an error
457 *
458  CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1, ierr,
459  $ 1, -1, 0 )
460 *
461  IF( ierr( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN
462  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
463  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 ) 'MEMORY'
464  kskip = kskip + 1
465  GO TO 30
466  END IF
467 *
468  CALL pcbmatgen( ictxt, 'T', 'D', bwl, bwu, n, (3), nb,
469  $ mem( ipa ), nb+10, 0, 0, iaseed, myrow,
470  $ mycol, nprow, npcol )
471  CALL pcfillpad( ictxt, nq, np, mem( ipa-iprepad ),
472  $ nb+10, iprepad, ipostpad,
473  $ padval )
474 *
475  CALL pcfillpad( ictxt, worksiz, 1,
476  $ mem( ip_driver_w-iprepad ), worksiz,
477  $ iprepad, ipostpad, padval )
478 *
479 * Calculate norm of A for residual error-checking
480 *
481  IF( check ) THEN
482 *
483  anorm = pclange( 'I', n,
484  $ (3), mem( ipa ), 1, 1,
485  $ desca2d, mem( ip_driver_w ) )
486  CALL pcchekpad( ictxt, 'PCLANGE', nq, np,
487  $ mem( ipa-iprepad ), nb+10,
488  $ iprepad, ipostpad, padval )
489  CALL pcchekpad( ictxt, 'PCLANGE',
490  $ worksiz, 1,
491  $ mem( ip_driver_w-iprepad ), worksiz,
492  $ iprepad, ipostpad, padval )
493  END IF
494 *
495 *
496  CALL slboot()
497  CALL blacs_barrier( ictxt, 'All' )
498 *
499 * Perform factorization
500 *
501  CALL sltimer( 1 )
502 *
503  CALL pcdttrf( n, mem( ipa+2*( nb+10 ) ),
504  $ mem( ipa+1*( nb+10 ) ), mem( ipa ), 1,
505  $ desca, mem( ip_fillin ), fillin_size,
506  $ mem( ipw ), ipw_size, info )
507 *
508  CALL sltimer( 1 )
509 *
510  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
511  IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
512  WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'PCDTTRF INFO=', info
513  ENDIF
514  kfail = kfail + 1
515  GO TO 30
516  END IF
517 *
518  IF( check ) THEN
519 *
520 * Check for memory overwrite in factorization
521 *
522  CALL pcchekpad( ictxt, 'PCDTTRF', nq,
523  $ np, mem( ipa-iprepad ), nb+10,
524  $ iprepad, ipostpad, padval )
525  END IF
526 *
527 *
528 * Loop over the different values for NRHS
529 *
530  DO 20 hh = 1, nnr
531 *
532  ierr( 1 ) = 0
533 *
534  nrhs = nrval( hh )
535 *
536 * Initialize Array Descriptor for rhs
537 *
538  CALL descinit( descb2d, n, nrhs, nb, 1, 0, 0,
539  $ ictxtb, nb+10, ierr( 1 ) )
540 *
541 * Convert this to 1D descriptor
542 *
543  descb( 1 ) = 502
544  descb( 3 ) = n
545  descb( 4 ) = nb
546  descb( 5 ) = 0
547  descb( 2 ) = ictxt
548  descb( 6 ) = descb2d( lld_ )
549  descb( 7 ) = 0
550 *
551 * reset free_ptr to reuse space for right hand sides
552 *
553  IF( ipb .GT. 0 ) THEN
554  free_ptr = ipb
555  ENDIF
556 *
557  free_ptr = free_ptr + iprepad
558  ipb = free_ptr
559  free_ptr = free_ptr + nrhs*descb2d( lld_ )
560  $ + ipostpad
561 *
562 * Allocate workspace for workspace in TRS routine:
563 *
564  ipw_solve_size = 10*npcol+4*nrhs
565 *
566  ipw_solve = free_ptr
567  free_ptr = free_ptr + ipw_solve_size
568 *
569  ierr( 1 ) = 0
570  IF( free_ptr.GT.memsiz ) THEN
571  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
572  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9996 )'solve',
573  $ ( free_ptr )*cplxsz
574  ierr( 1 ) = 1
575  END IF
576 *
577 * Check all processes for an error
578 *
579  CALL igsum2d( ictxt, 'All', ' ', 1, 1,
580  $ ierr, 1, -1, 0 )
581 *
582  IF( ierr( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN
583  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
584  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 ) 'MEMORY'
585  kskip = kskip + 1
586  GO TO 15
587  END IF
588 *
589  myrhs_size = numroc( n, nb, mycol, 0, npcol )
590 *
591 * Generate RHS
592 *
593  CALL pcmatgen(ictxtb, 'No', 'No',
594  $ descb2d( m_ ), descb2d( n_ ),
595  $ descb2d( mb_ ), descb2d( nb_ ),
596  $ mem( ipb ),
597  $ descb2d( lld_ ), descb2d( rsrc_ ),
598  $ descb2d( csrc_ ),
599  $ ibseed, 0, myrhs_size, 0, nrhs, mycol,
600  $ myrow, npcol, nprow )
601 *
602  IF( check ) THEN
603  CALL pcfillpad( ictxtb, nb, nrhs,
604  $ mem( ipb-iprepad ),
605  $ descb2d( lld_ ),
606  $ iprepad, ipostpad,
607  $ padval )
608  CALL pcfillpad( ictxt, worksiz, 1,
609  $ mem( ip_driver_w-iprepad ),
610  $ worksiz, iprepad,
611  $ ipostpad, padval )
612  END IF
613 *
614 *
615  CALL blacs_barrier( ictxt, 'All')
616  CALL sltimer( 2 )
617 *
618 * Solve linear system via factorization
619 *
620  CALL pcdttrs( trans, n, nrhs,
621  $ mem( ipa+2*( nb+10 ) ),
622  $ mem( ipa+1*( nb+10 ) ), mem( ipa ),
623  $ 1, desca, mem( ipb ), 1, descb,
624  $ mem( ip_fillin ), fillin_size,
625  $ mem( ipw_solve ), ipw_solve_size,
626  $ info )
627 *
628  CALL sltimer( 2 )
629 *
630  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
631  IF( iam.EQ.0 )
632  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = * ) 'PCDTTRS INFO=', info
633  kfail = kfail + 1
634  passed = 'FAILED'
635  GO TO 20
636  END IF
637 *
638  IF( check ) THEN
639 *
640 * check for memory overwrite
641 *
642  CALL pcchekpad( ictxt, 'PCDTTRS-work',
643  $ worksiz, 1,
644  $ mem( ip_driver_w-iprepad ),
645  $ worksiz, iprepad,
646  $ ipostpad, padval )
647 *
648 * check the solution to rhs
649 *
650  sresid = zero
651 *
652 * Reset descriptor describing A to 1-by-P grid for
653 * use in banded utility routines
654 *
655  CALL descinit( desca2d, (3), n,
656  $ (3), nb, 0, 0,
657  $ ictxt, (3), ierr( 1 ) )
658  CALL pcdtlaschk( 'N', 'D', trans,
659  $ n, bwl, bwu, nrhs,
660  $ mem( ipb ), 1, 1, descb2d,
661  $ iaseed, mem( ipa ), 1, 1, desca2d,
662  $ ibseed, anorm, sresid,
663  $ mem( ip_driver_w ), worksiz )
664 *
665  IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
666  IF( sresid.GT.thresh )
667  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9985 ) sresid
668  END IF
669 *
670 * The second test is a NaN trap
671 *
672  IF( ( sresid.LE.thresh ).AND.
673  $ ( (sresid-sresid).EQ.0.0e+0 ) ) THEN
674  kpass = kpass + 1
675  passed = 'PASSED'
676  ELSE
677  kfail = kfail + 1
678  passed = 'FAILED'
679  END IF
680 *
681  END IF
682 *
683  15 CONTINUE
684 * Skipped tests jump to here to print out "SKIPPED"
685 *
686 * Gather maximum of all CPU and WALL clock timings
687 *
688  CALL slcombine( ictxt, 'All', '>', 'W', 2, 1,
689  $ wtime )
690  CALL slcombine( ictxt, 'All', '>', 'C', 2, 1,
691  $ ctime )
692 *
693 * Print results
694 *
695  IF( myrow.EQ.0 .AND. mycol.EQ.0 ) THEN
696 *
697  nops = 0
698  nops2 = 0
699 *
700  n_first = nb
701  nprocs_real = ( n-1 )/nb + 1
702  n_last = mod( n-1, nb ) + 1
703 *
704 * 2 N bwl INT_ONE + N (bwl) flops
705 * for LU factorization
706 *
707  nops = 2*(dble(n)*dble(bwl)*
708  $ dble(int_one)) +
709  $ (dble(n)*dble(bwl))
710 *
711 * nrhs * 2 N*(bwl+INT_ONE) flops for LU solve.
712 *
713  nops = nops +
714  $ 2 * (dble(n)*(dble(bwl)+dble(int_one))
715  $ *dble(nrhs))
716 *
717 * Multiply by 4 to get complex count
718 *
719  nops = nops * dble(4)
720 *
721 * Second calc to represent actual hardware speed
722 *
723 * 2*N_FIRST bwl*bwu Flops for LU
724 * factorization in proc 1
725 *
726  nops2 = 2*( (dble(n_first)*
727  $ dble(bwl)*dble(bwu)))
728 *
729  IF ( nprocs_real .GT. 1) THEN
730 * 8 N_LAST bwl*INT_ONE
731 * flops for LU and spike
732 * calc in last processor
733 *
734  nops2 = nops2 +
735  $ 8*( (dble(n_last)*dble(bwl)
736  $ *dble(int_one)) )
737  ENDIF
738 *
739  IF ( nprocs_real .GT. 2) THEN
740 * 8 NB bwl*INT_ONE flops for LU and spike
741 * calc in other processors
742 *
743  nops2 = nops2 + (nprocs_real-2)*
744  $ 8*( (dble(nb)*dble(bwl)
745  $ *dble(int_one)) )
746  ENDIF
747 *
748 * Reduced system
749 *
750  nops2 = nops2 +
751  $ 2*( nprocs_real-1 ) *
752  $ ( bwl*int_one*bwl/3 )
753  IF( nprocs_real .GT. 1 ) THEN
754  nops2 = nops2 +
755  $ 2*( nprocs_real-2 ) *
756  $ (2*bwl*int_one*bwl)
757  ENDIF
758 *
759 * Solve stage
760 *
761 * nrhs*2 n_first*
762 * (bwl+INT_ONE)
763 * flops for L,U solve in proc 1.
764 *
765  nops2 = nops2 +
766  $ 2*
767  $ dble(n_first)*
768  $ dble(nrhs) *
769  $ ( dble(bwl)+dble(int_one))
770 *
771  IF ( nprocs_real .GT. 1 ) THEN
772 *
773 * 2*nrhs*2 n_last
774 * (bwl+INT_ONE)
775 * flops for LU solve in other procs
776 *
777  nops2 = nops2 +
778  $ 4*
779  $ (dble(n_last)*(dble(bwl)+
780  $ dble(int_one)))*dble(nrhs)
781  ENDIF
782 *
783  IF ( nprocs_real .GT. 2 ) THEN
784 *
785 * 2*nrhs*2 NB
786 * (bwl+INT_ONE)
787 * flops for LU solve in other procs
788 *
789  nops2 = nops2 +
790  $ ( nprocs_real-2)*2*
791  $ ( (dble(nb)*(dble(bwl)+
792  $ dble(int_one)))*dble(nrhs) )
793  ENDIF
794 *
795 * Reduced system
796 *
797  nops2 = nops2 +
798  $ nrhs*( nprocs_real-1)*2*(bwl*int_one )
799  IF( nprocs_real .GT. 1 ) THEN
800  nops2 = nops2 +
801  $ nrhs*( nprocs_real-2 ) *
802  $ ( 6 * bwl*int_one )
803  ENDIF
804 *
805 *
806 * Multiply by 4 to get complex count
807 *
808  nops2 = nops2 * dble(4)
809 *
810 * Calculate total megaflops - factorization and/or
811 * solve -- for WALL and CPU time, and print output
812 *
813 * Print WALL time if machine supports it
814 *
815  IF( wtime( 1 ) + wtime( 2 ) .GT. 0.0d+0 ) THEN
816  tmflops = nops /
817  $ ( ( wtime( 1 )+wtime( 2 ) ) * 1.0d+6 )
818  ELSE
819  tmflops = 0.0d+0
820  END IF
821 *
822  IF( wtime( 1 )+wtime( 2 ).GT.0.0d+0 ) THEN
823  tmflops2 = nops2 /
824  $ ( ( wtime( 1 )+wtime( 2 ) ) * 1.0d+6 )
825  ELSE
826  tmflops2 = 0.0d+0
827  END IF
828 *
829  IF( wtime( 2 ).GE.0.0d+0 )
830  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9993 ) 'WALL', trans,
831  $ n,
832  $ bwl, bwu,
833  $ nb, nrhs, nprow, npcol,
834  $ wtime( 1 ), wtime( 2 ), tmflops,
835  $ tmflops2, passed
836 *
837 * Print CPU time if machine supports it
838 *
839  IF( ctime( 1 )+ctime( 2 ).GT.0.0d+0 ) THEN
840  tmflops = nops /
841  $ ( ( ctime( 1 )+ctime( 2 ) ) * 1.0d+6 )
842  ELSE
843  tmflops = 0.0d+0
844  END IF
845 *
846  IF( ctime( 1 )+ctime( 2 ).GT.0.0d+0 ) THEN
847  tmflops2 = nops2 /
848  $ ( ( ctime( 1 )+ctime( 2 ) ) * 1.0d+6 )
849  ELSE
850  tmflops2 = 0.0d+0
851  END IF
852 *
853  IF( ctime( 2 ).GE.0.0d+0 )
854  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9993 ) 'CPU ', trans,
855  $ n,
856  $ bwl, bwu,
857  $ nb, nrhs, nprow, npcol,
858  $ ctime( 1 ), ctime( 2 ), tmflops,
859  $ tmflops2, passed
860 *
861  END IF
862  20 CONTINUE
863 *
864 *
865  30 CONTINUE
866 * NNB loop
867 *
868  45 CONTINUE
869 * BW[] loop
870 *
871  40 CONTINUE
872 * NMAT loop
873 *
874  CALL blacs_gridexit( ictxt )
875  CALL blacs_gridexit( ictxtb )
876 *
877  50 CONTINUE
879  60 CONTINUE
880 * NGRIDS loop
881 *
882 * Print ending messages and close output file
883 *
884  IF( iam.EQ.0 ) THEN
885  ktests = kpass + kfail + kskip
886  WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
887  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9992 ) ktests
888  IF( check ) THEN
889  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9991 ) kpass
890  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9989 ) kfail
891  ELSE
892  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9990 ) kpass
893  END IF
894  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9988 ) kskip
895  WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
896  WRITE( nout, fmt = * )
897  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9987 )
898  IF( nout.NE.6 .AND. nout.NE.0 )
899  $ CLOSE ( nout )
900  END IF
901 *
902  CALL blacs_exit( 0 )
903 *
904  9999 FORMAT( 'ILLEGAL ', a6, ': ', a5, ' = ', i3,
905  $ '; It should be at least 1' )
906  9998 FORMAT( 'ILLEGAL GRID: nprow*npcol = ', i4, '. It can be at most',
907  $ i4 )
908  9997 FORMAT( 'Bad ', a6, ' parameters: going on to next test case.' )
909  9996 FORMAT( 'Unable to perform ', a, ': need TOTMEM of at least',
910  $ i11 )
911  9995 FORMAT( 'TIME TR N BWL BWU NB NRHS P Q L*U Time ',
912  $ 'Slv Time MFLOPS MFLOP2 CHECK' )
913  9994 FORMAT( '---- -- ------ --- --- ---- ----- ---- ---- -------- ',
914  $ '-------- -------- -------- ------' )
915  9993 FORMAT( a4,1x,a1,2x,i6,1x,i3,1x,i3,1x,i4,1x,i5,
916  $ 1x,i4,1x,i4,1x,f9.3,
917  $ f9.4, f9.2, f9.2, 1x, a6 )
918  9992 FORMAT( 'Finished ', i6, ' tests, with the following results:' )
919  9991 FORMAT( i5, ' tests completed and passed residual checks.' )
920  9990 FORMAT( i5, ' tests completed without checking.' )
921  9989 FORMAT( i5, ' tests completed and failed residual checks.' )
922  9988 FORMAT( i5, ' tests skipped because of illegal input values.' )
923  9987 FORMAT( 'END OF TESTS.' )
924  9986 FORMAT( '||A - ', a4, '|| / (||A|| * N * eps) = ', g25.7 )
925  9985 FORMAT( '||Ax-b||/(||x||*||A||*eps*N) ', f25.7 )
926 *
927  stop
928 *
930 *
931  END
932 *
#define max(A, B)
Definition: pcgemr.c:180
subroutine pcdttrf(N, DL, D, DU, JA, DESCA, AF, LAF, WORK, LWORK, INFO)
Definition: pcdttrf.f:3
Definition: pcdtinfo.f:6
Definition: pcbmatgen.f:5
subroutine sltimer(I)
Definition: sltimer.f:47
logical function lsame(CA, CB)
Definition: tools.f:1724
Definition: pcdtlaschk.f:4
subroutine pcchekpad(ICTXT, MESS, M, N, A, LDA, IPRE, IPOST, CHKVAL)
Definition: pcchekpad.f:3
Definition: pcmatgen.f:4
subroutine descinit(DESC, M, N, MB, NB, IRSRC, ICSRC, ICTXT, LLD, INFO)
Definition: descinit.f:3
subroutine slboot()
Definition: sltimer.f:2
real function pclange(NORM, M, N, A, IA, JA, DESCA, WORK)
Definition: pclange.f:3
subroutine pcfillpad(ICTXT, M, N, A, LDA, IPRE, IPOST, CHKVAL)
Definition: pcfillpad.f:2
integer function numroc(N, NB, IPROC, ISRCPROC, NPROCS)
Definition: numroc.f:2
subroutine pcdttrs(TRANS, N, NRHS, DL, D, DU, JA, DESCA, B, IB, DESCB, AF, LAF, WORK, LWORK, INFO)
Definition: pcdttrs.f:3
program pcdtdriver
Definition: pcdtdriver.f:1
subroutine slcombine(ICTXT, SCOPE, OP, TIMETYPE, N, IBEG, TIMES)
Definition: sltimer.f:267
#define min(A, B)
Definition: pcgemr.c:181