If an error occurs during the invocation of NetSolve, a variety of diagnostic runtime error messages, as well as error codes that can be returned when calling a NetSolve function from the C or Fortran interfaces, are provided. Table 24-1 lists all of the possible error codes that can be returned when invoking a NetSolve function from the C or Fortran interfaces. These error codes are listed in the $NETSOLVE_ROOT/include/netsolveerror.h include file. Each of these return codes has an equivalent runtime error message, also listed in Table 24-1. These runtime error messages are defined in $NETSOLVE_ROOT/src/CoreFunctions/netsolveerror.c. If one of these error messages occurs, the user should first check the agent and server log files, $NETSOLVE_ROOT/nsagent.log or $NETSOLVE_ROOT/nsserver.log, respectively. These files may contain more information to clarify the reason for the error message. Otherwise, the user can refer to Chapter 12 for an explanation of possible causes for specific error messages.
Table 24-1. Error Codes
NetSolveOK | 0 | NS: no error |
NetSolveNotReady | -1 | NS: not ready |
NetSolveSetNetSolveAgent | -2 | NS: NETSOLVE_AGENT not set |
NetSolveSetNetSolveRoot | -3 | NS: NETSOLVE_ROOT not set |
NetSolveSetNetSolveArch | -4 | NS: NETSOLVE_ARCH not set |
NetSolveInternalError | -5 | NS: internal error |
NetSolveUnknownHost | -6 | NS: Unknown host |
NetSolveNetworkError | -7 | NS: network error |
NetSolveUnknownProblem | -8 | NS: unknown problem |
NetSolveProtocolError | -9 | NS: protocol error |
NetSolveNoServer | -10 | NS: no available server |
NetSolveBadProblemSpecification | -11 | NS: bad problem input/output |
NetSolveNotAllowed | -12 | NS: not allowed |
NetSolveBadValues | -13 | NS: bad input values |
NetSolveDimensionMismatch | -14 | NS: dimension mismatch |
NetSolveNoSolution | -15 | NS: no solution |
NetSolveUnknownError | -16 | NS: unknown error |
NetSolveInvalidRequestID | -17 | NS: invalid request ID |
NetSolveBadProblemName | -18 | NS: invalid problem name |
NetSolveInvalidMajor | 19 | NS: invalid major specification |
NetSolveTooManyPendingRequests | -20 | NS: too many pending requests |
NetSolveFileError | -21 | NS: file I/O error |
NetSolveUnknownDataFormat | -22 | NS: unknown machine type |
NetSolveInvalidUPFFilename | -23 | NS: invalid upf filename |
NetSolveMismatch | -24 | NS: inconsistent object transfers |
NetSolveSystemError | -25 | NS: system error |
NetSolveConnectionRefused | -26 | NS: connection refused |
NetSolveCannotBind | -27 | NS: impossible to bind to port |
NetSolveUPFError | -28 | NS: impossible to compile UPF |
NetSolveUPFUnsafe | -29 | NS: UPF security violation |
NetSolveServerError | -30 | NS: server error |
NetSolveBadIterationRange | -31 | NS: invalid interation range |
NetSolveFarmingError | -32 | NS: One or more request failed |
NetSolveCannotStartProxy | -33 | NS: Cannot start proxy |
NetSolveUnknownServer | -34 | NS: Unknown server |
NetSolveProxyError | -35 | NS: Error while talking to proxy |
NetSolveCondorError | -36 | NS: Condor error |
NetSolveCannotContactAgent | -37 | NS: Cannot contact agent |
NetSolveTimedOut | -38 | NS: operation timed out |
NetSolveAuthenticationError | -39 | NS: Authentication to server failed |
NetSolveUnknownHandle | -40 | |
NetSolveUnknownDsiFile | -41 | NS: DSI file not found |
NetSolveIBPAllocateError | -42 | NS: error in IBP_Allocate |
NetSolveIBPManageError | -43 | NS: error in IBP_Manage |
NetSolveIBPLoadError | -44 | NS: error in IBP_Load |
NetSolveIBPStoreError | -45 | NS: error in IBP_Store |
NetSolveDsiEACCESS | -46 | NS: permission denied to DSI file |
NetSolveDsiDisabled | -47 | NS: NetSolve not configured with DSI |