
Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

file na-digest/93/v93n01
for	    Chair of Stat. and CS department at WVU
,    Correction to the report on the Twelvth Parallel Circus
,    Southern Ontario NA Day
,    Student Workshop in Supercomputing
,    Faculty Workshop in Supercomputing
,    Symposium on Parallel Optimization
,    Contents: SIAM Applied Mathematics

file na-digest/93/v93n02
for	    New Version of Xnetlib Available
,    Jean Kuntzmann
,    ILAS Hans Schneider Prize
,    Correction to the Report on the Twelvth Parallel Circus
,    Email Problems for Bill Mitchell
,    Help on Eigenvalues of an Elliptic Operator
,    Workshop on Quadratic Assignment Problems
,    ICASE/LaRC Short Course on Parallel Computation
,    Postdoctoral Fellowship Position at Syracuse
,    Contents: SIAM Matrix Analysis

file na-digest/93/v93n03
for	    Alan Turing's Reports
,    Help on Minimization of Sums of Rational Functions
,    X.400 Mail to Na-Net
,    Change of Address for Hans Kraaijevanger
,    Elementary Math Functions
,    Graduate Students in Computational Optimization
,    Householder Symposium Deadline
,    Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computation
,    Mathematical Circus at ENS-LYON, France
,    Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods
,    Parallel Computing Meeting in Obninsk (Russia)
,    Parallel Programming Position in Sydney
,    Position at George Mason University
,    Graduate Program at George Washington University
,    Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization

file na-digest/93/v93n04
for	    Is There a Probability and Statistics Network
,    Autodifferentiation and C Source
,    LAA Issue Honoring Chandler Davis
,    SIAM 1993 Annual Meeting
,    Inverse Problems and Optimal Design in Industry
,    Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System Simulation
,    Qualitative Reasoning and Decision Technologies
,    Visiting Positions at RIACS
,    LBL Postdoctoral Position
,    Parallel Computing Position at ETH Zurich
,    Positions in Parallel Computing in Switzerland
,    Contents: SIAM Scientific Computing

file na-digest/93/v93n05
for	 Oscar Buneman
, Nonliear Parabolic PDE
, Graduate Programs in Applied Mathematical Sciences
, SIAM Student Travel Awards for 1993
, SPARse KERnel Project

file na-digest/93/v93n06
for	    1992 Chauvenet Prize for David Bailey
,    Change of Address for Bill Clinton
,    Query about Convex Bodies
,    4th Stockholm Optimization Days
,    Conference: Fifty Years of the Courant Element
,    Assistant Professorships ETH Zuerich
,    Postdoc Position at Maryland/NIH
,    Positions in Mathematical Sciences at Tulsa U.
,    Lecturership at Deakin University, Australia
,    Job Opening at Cornell Theory Center
,    Graduate Traineeships at Stanford
,    Position at Univ. Calif. Santa Barbara
,    Post Doc Position at University of Vermont
,    Grand Challenge Applications Groups
,    New Journal: Annals of Numerical Mathematics
,    Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
,    Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics
,    Contents: SIAM Numerical Analysis
,    Contents: SIAM Optimization

file na-digest/93/v93n07
for	    Change of Address for Klaus and Alice Peters
,    A Degenerate Parabolic Equation
,    Complexity of Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem
,    Elements of Space Probes
,    1993 MATLAB Conference
,    DIMACS Workshop on Parallel Algorithms
,    CSCC Supercomputing Workshop
,    Mathematical Methods in Petroleum Science
,    Interval Analysis Info -- Change in FTP Server
,    Position at George Mason University
,    NA Post-Doc at Dundee
,    Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

file na-digest/93/v93n08
for	    Election to National Academy of Engineering
,    Lech Jankowski
,    Software for FFT, etc.
,    Thesis Abstracts in SIGNUM
,    Submatrices with the Best-Bounded Inverse
,    FTP Site at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
,    Problem Solving Environments for Computational Science 
,    New Publication on Numerical Mathematics
,    SCAN-93
,    Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
,    International Conference on Wavelets
,    Special Issue on Scalability of Parallel Algorithms
,    A Half-Century of Computational Mathematics
,    Special Session on Numerical Optimization at AMS meeting
,    Call for Post Docs and PhD Students for CERFACS
,    Postdoctoral Position at AFIT
,    Postdoctoral Position at Manchester
,    Contents: SIAM Computing

file na-digest/93/v93n09
for	    Contributions to NA News Digest
,    Looking for Tridiagonal Eigensystems Information
,    Help Sought for Least Squares Problem
,    Guaranteed Accuracy in Numerical Linear Algebra 
,    Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
,    SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing
,    SIAM Student Paper Competition
,    Position at Magnetic Lab/ Florida State University
,    Computational Neurosciences Workshop
,    1993 ATLAST Workshops Announcement
,    Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium
,    Object-Oriented Numerics Conference
,    XIII Parallel Circus

file na-digest/93/v93n10
for	    Discontinuous Coefficients and Convergence Rates
,    Incomplete Beta Function Derivatives
,    Examples for Overdetermined Systems
,    What is Best Method for Ax=lambda Bx ?
,    Change of Phone Numbers at Temple
,    Gordon Bell Prize for 1993
,    NSF High Performance Computing
,    Position at University of Queensland
,    Interface Symposium: Computing Science and Statistics
,    Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing
,    NATO Advanced Study Institutes Programme
,    Designing a Course in Industrial Mathematics
,    Barcelona Complexity Workshop
,    Workshop on Programming Tools for Parallel Machines

file na-digest/93/v93n11
for	    Daniel Pierce Honored
,    Networks via Mean Value Analysis
,    Numerical Algorithms for Generalized Eigenvalue Problem
,    F90 Compiler Performance Benchmark Project
,    CUTE -- Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment
,    Guranteed Accuracy in Numerical Linear Algebra
,    New Book on Fractal Image Compression
,    South African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics
,    Mathematics of Computation 1943-1993 
,    Inverse Problems Conference in Austria
,    Workshop on Reliability Computations
,    European Multigrid Conference
,    Position at University of Virginia
,    Position at Heriot-Watt University
,    Conttents: IMA Numerical Analysis
,    Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

file na-digest/93/v93n12
for	    Fitting Experimental Data by Best Approximation
,    New Textbook, Introduction to Linear Algebra
,    Annual Meeting of Canadian Applied Math Society
,    Workshop for Women Students and Post-docs
,    Workshop on Industrial Postdoc Programs
,    SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
,    Lanczos International Centenary Conference
,    PVM Users' Group Meeting
,    XIII Parallel Circus
,    Postdoc at University of Colorado at Denver
,    Position at the University of Dortmund, Germany
,    Contents, Numerical Mathematics

file na-digest/93/v93n13
for	    The L(D**(-1),U) Decomposition.
,    Reply about Fitting Experimental Data
,    Snow Avalanche Info Needed
,    Finite Element Codes with Message Passing
,    MGGHAT Now Available
,    Change of Address for Volker Mehrmann
,    Pacific Northwest Dynamical Systems Seminar 
,    Bay Area NA Day
,    Symposium in Honour of Leslie Fox
,    Numerical Analysis and Dynamical Systems
,    Nonlinear Numerical Methods and Rational Approximation
,    National Information Infrastructure
,    Final Call for Papers: JPDC special issue
,    Contents, Numerical Algorithms
,    Contents, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

file na-digest/93/v93n14
for	    John A. Gregory
,    Ricardo Nochetto Receives Sacchi Landriani Prize
,    High Index DAEs
,    Parallel L D**-1 U versus L (D**(-1),U)
,    LAPACK, Version 1.1, New Routines
,    Problems with "High Quality" Random Number Generators
,    CUTE on PC's
,    LSNNO is Now Available 
,    Very Fast Simulated Reannealing (VFSR) on Netlib
,    Call for Papers
,    Computer Design: A New Grand Challenge
,    Workshop on Constrained Approximation and Optimization
,    AWM WORKSHOP before SIAM meeting
,    Southern Ontario NA Day
,    Lectureships at University of Durham
,    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications
,    Contents, Numerical Algorithms

file na-digest/93/v93n15
for	    Postdoc/ Student Support for Householder Meeting
,    Honorary Degree for Richard Varga
,    Info on Wavelets Sought
,    ICANN '94 Preliminary Call for Papers
,    Grand Challenges for High Performance Computing
,    Comett Course on Qualitative Computing
,    Symposia on Massively Parallel Computing and Applications
,    Postdoctoral Positions at Argonne
,    Visiting Positions at the University of Colorado at Denver
,    HPC/Fujitsu Canadian Scholarship

file na-digest/93/v93n16
for	    References for SIMD Linear Algebra
,    Seeking a Better Expansion
,    Looking for the Second Edition of Lawson and Hanson
,    A Great Bargain
,    C++ for Numerical Analysis
,    Hellenic Mathematical Society, 75 Years
,    1993 PVM Users' Group Meeting
,    Numerical Methods for the Solution of the Maxwell Equations
,    ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
,    Position at CERCA, Montreal
,    Contents, SIAM Math Analysis
,    Contents, Acta Numerica

file na-digest/93/v93n17
for	    Looking for Book 'Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis'
,    Re: C++ for Numerical Analysis
,    New Book on Probability and Approximation Theory
,    Free Books/Software
,    Netflow93: Deadline update
,    Conference on Domain Decomposition
,    Visiting Position at the University of Southern California
,    Contents, SIAM Computing
,    Contents, SIAM Numerical Analysis

file na-digest/93/v93n18
for	    Netlib, Xnetlib, NaNet Server to be Replaced at Tennessee
,    Parallel Computing with Branch and Bound
,    Need Simplex Info
,    FFT's for Shared Memory Multiprocessors
,    Nominations for George Polya Prize
,    C++ for numerical analysis
,    Vienna Conference on Parallel Software
,    Helsinki Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Computation
,    Real Number Algorithms
,    Mathematics Modeling Workshop
,    Positions at University of Edinburgh
,    Contents, Computational and Applied Mathematics
,    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applpications

file na-digest/93/v93n19
for	    Third Annual Large Dense Linear Algebra Survey
,    C++ vs. FORTRAN
,    Block Tridiagonal Solver
,    Classic Papers in Numerical Analysis
,    SIGOPT/OPT-NET: Call for Membership
,    Parallel Optimization Book
,    Last Call: Dundee 93
,    A. W. Tucker Prize Announcement
,    IMACS Int'l. Conference on Computational Physics
,    Symposium on High Perfomance Scientific Supercomputing
,    Inverse Problems and Optimal Design in Industry
,    Post Doc Position at the University of Oslo

file na-digest/93/v93n20
for	    Golub Elected to National Academy of Sciences
,    Honorary Degree for Carl de Boor
,    Wallace Givens
,    Change of Address for Werner Liniger
,    Non-linear Equations
,    An Optimization Problem
,    Nesting Optimization
,    Inverse Problems in Engineering Sciences
,    Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
,    Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
,    Scottish Computational Maths Syposium 1993
,    Sixth Leslie Fox Prize
,    International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing
,    Position at the University of Manchester
,    Position at Convex Computer Corporation
,    Contents, Constructive Approximation
,    Contents, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

file na-digest/93/v93n21
for	    "Classic Papers of NA" - Update
,    Course Notes Available via FTP
,    Dundee Conference Information
,    Network for Continuous Algorithms and Complexity 
,    SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference
,    Symposia on Massively Parallel Computing and Applications
,    COMETT Course in Rome
,    Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
,    1994 Hyperbolic Conference at Stony Brook
,    Postdoctoral Fellowship at Minnesota
,    Contents, Journal of Complexity
,    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications 
,    Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization

file na-digest/93/v93n22
for	    NA News Digest Mailing List Exceeds 3000 Names
,    W. M. Kahan Honored
,    Benchmark Examples in Systems and Control
,    Question about Adaptive Stepsize Control in ODE
,    QP Problem Generator
,    Fortran 90 Performance Benchmark Results
,    Andrew J. Conley Named the 1993 Wilkinson Fellow
,    Change of Address for Stavros A. Zenios 
,    Address Change for Bill Mitchell
,    Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference
,    IMACS Symposium on Symbolic Computation
,    Position at Cornell
,    Contents, SIAM Mathematical Analysis

file na-digest/93/v93n23
for	    Hey! We're Back!
,    NA Technical Reports from Manchester
,    Change of Address for Rob H. Bisseling
,    Change of Address for Yves Genin
,    Information on Numerical Methods for Porous Flow Needed
,    Formulae Tables. (Bateman Manuscript Project)
,    New Book by Phil Davis
,    Dantzig Prize: Call for Nominations
,    Benin Conference on Scientific Computing, Nigeria
,    Conference on Numerical Methods in Hungary
,    Fourth EuroBen Workshop
,    Position at University of Bergen, Norway
,    Position at Simon Fraser University, Canada
,    Position at SUNY, Stony Brook
,    Invited Computer Science Professor Position in France
,    Contents, SIAM Optimization
,    Contents, SIAM Review

file na-digest/93/v93n24
for	    Over 1 Million Served
,    Teaching Numerical Analysis with Matlab
,    New Graduate Numerical Analysis Text
,    Change of Address for David Watkins
,    Multigrid Documents on the World Wide Web
,    A Boundary Element Package for Integral Equations
,    Reports Available by FTP 
,    Reports via FTP from UNIBW, Munich
,    Reports from SISTA, Belgium
,    Finalists for 1993 Gordon Bell Prizes 
,    Wavelet Literature Survey
,    IMACS '94 Congress
,    Two Short Courses at INRIA
,    Wyoming Numerical Analysis and Applications Day
,    Symposium on Parallel Numerical Mathematics
,    Call for Journal Papers, "Supercomputer"
,    Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
,    Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences
,    Workshop on Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation
,    Positions at Virginia Polytechnic Institute

file na-digest/93/v93n25
for	    Alston Householder
,    A Latex Question
,    Information about GMRES Algorithm
,    Programs from Book by Silebi and Schiesser
,    COLDAE Available from NETLIB
,    UMFPACK: General Unsymmetric Sparse Matrix Solver
,    Spectral Multi-Domain Methods Workshop
,    12th Householder Symposium
,    Contents: Constructive Approximation
,    Contents: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
,    Contents: Advances in Computational Mathematics
,    Contents: Numerical Algorithms
,    Contents: SIAM Numerical Analysis

file na-digest/93/v93n26
for	    Reading University NA Reports
,    XNetlib and Performance Database Server
,    Congress Hearings on the Future of the Internet
,    Conference on Articifical Neural Networks
,    Computational Methods in Water Resources
,    Computational Methods for Boundary and Interior Layers
,    Numerical Methods in Control, Signal and Image Processing 
,    Scalable High Performance Computing Conference
,    Position at AT&T Bell Laboratories
,    Post Doctoral Position at Reading / RMCS

file na-digest/93/v93n27
for	    Moving Boundary Problems
,    Elliptic PDE Solver Sought
,    Numerical Mathematics, A Laboratory Approach
,    Eigensystem Solver for Pentadiagonal Systems
,    Workshop at Bath
,    Post Doc Position at Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory
,    Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

file na-digest/93/v93n28
for	    Change of Address for Andreas Griewank
,    Change of Address for Tom Manteuffel and Steve McCormick
,    A Report on Domain Decomposition
,    SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems, and Control
,    Looking for the MODFLO Groundwater Code
,    Looking for Access to a KSR-1
,    Soliciting Views on the Scientific Method
,    Distributed Computing Workshop at NASA Ames
,    Workshop on Parallel Computing, Mons, Belgium
,    Contents, SIAM Computing

file na-digest/93/v93n29
for	    Change of Address for Daniel Okunbor
,    Numerical Analysis Ideas in Science Magazine
,    Formation of Institute of Advanced Scientific Computation
,    Two Preprints on the Numerical Integration of ODE's
,    A Difficult BEVP in Astrophysics
,    Pollution & preconditioners
,    New Book ``How To Teach Mathematics''
,    Finite Element Error Analysis
,    Postdoctoral Research at Argonne National Laboratory
,    Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference
,    Call For Votes: sci.op-research 
,    Postdoc Opportunity in Japan and Preprint Offer
,    IMACS Workshop on Turbulence
,    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications

file na-digest/93/v93n30
for	    Teaching Symbolic Computations
,    MATLAB Primer
,    Garcia's Request on Air Pollution
,    Address Changes for Jesse Barlow and Hongyuan Zha
,    Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium 1993
,    Workshop on ODE's Arising in Chemistry

file na-digest/93/v93n31
for	    New Address for Alan Edelman
,    Change of Address for Alan Craig
,    SIAM Conferences
,    How to Discriminate Between Typing Mistakes and Intentional Ones?
,    Query on Convergence of Infinite Products of Matrices
,    Software Package PARASPAR
,    Anonymous FTP at Greenwich
,    Nonlinear Elliptic PDE and Picard Iteration
,    Numerical Solution of an Integral-differential Equation
,    New Book on Parallel Multigrid Waveform Relaxation
,    Symposium on Parallel Numerical mathematics
,    Post Doctoral Position at The University of Queensland
,    Post-Doc Position at Stanford
,    Research Position at Argonne National Laboratory
,    SAC '94 Special Track on Scientific Computing
,    Stanford Reports
,    Special Issue of LAA Honoring J. J. Seidel
,    Student Edition of Interval Computations
,    Contents: SIAM Numerical Analysis
,    Contents: Computational and Appllied Mathematics

file na-digest/93/v93n32
for	    SIAM Classics Series
,    Kang Feng
,    Multivariate Numerical Integration in MATLAB?
,    Permanent Calculation
,    Solver for Parabolic/Elliptic Systems.
,    SISTA Publications Available via FTP
,    Report on Claremont Modeling Workshops
,    Structure of Conferences
,    SIAG/LA meetings
,    California Matrix Theory Meeting
,    First International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing
,    Two New Books
,    Contents: Applied Numerical Mathematics
,    Contents: SIAM Scientific and Statistical Computing

file na-digest/93/v93n33
for	    Re: SIAM Meetings
,    Good Research Reference Texts
,    Help with Parallel Computing
,    Change of Address for Edgar Soulie
,    Change of Address for Heinz Gonska
,    Change of Address for Hong Jiang
,    Slight Change in Address for Oxford NA Group
,    Student Mathematica Labs
,    Wavelet Papers and Software from Rice University
,    Computational Optimization Software
,    Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA)
,    Holiday Mathematics Symposium at New Mexico State
,    Barcelona Workshop on Continuous Algorithms and Complexity
,    Public Forum on Statistical Methods in Software
,    2nd African Conference on Research in Computer Science
,    Northern England Universities Numerical Analysis Colloquium
,    Copper Mountain Conference Moves to Breckenridge
,    Upcoming SIAM Tutorials and Conferences
,    Network Optimization Theory and Practice
,    Two Positions at University of Strathclyde
,    Two Positions  at Cornell University, Theory Center
,    Position at Mississippi State
,    Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics
,    Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
,    Contents: SIAM REview

file na-digest/93/v93n34
for	    Milton E. Rose
,    Change of Address for Jim Pool
,    Change of Address for Ilse Ipsen
,    Change of Address for Marino Zennaro
,    Change of Address for Bill Mitchell
,    Well-posedness of "Almost Hyperbolic" Systems
,    QMRPACK is Available from NETLIB
,    Difficulties with IEEE Arithmetic, part 2
,    F90 Test codes
,    Re: SIAM Meetings
,    Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE)
,    New Book, Numerical Linear Algebra
,    New Book, Introduction to Linear Algebra
,    Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference
,    Scalable High Performance Computing Conference
,    IFIP Conference on Programming Environments
,    Symposium in Honor of Walter Gautschi
,    Positions at University of Srathclyde
,    SIAM Catalogs Available
,    Contents: International Journal of Supercomputer Applications

file na-digest/93/v93n35
for	    Message from Heidi Householder
,    Change of Address for Arnold Neumaier
,    Help for IEEE Floating Point Woes
,    Circuit Drawings
,    HPF codes sought
,    Availability of SIMPLE
,    Position at University of Tennessee
,    IFIP WG 2.5 Symposium
,    Symposium on Massively Parallel Computing and Applications
,    Statistical Methods in Software Engineering
,    Report on Fox Memorial and Prize Meeting
,    Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA)
,    Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics

file na-digest/93/v93n36
for	    IEEE Trap Handling on SUN Systems
,    Help for IEEE Floating Point Woes
,    Reality check for an IEEE arithmetic critic
,    Code for Cubic Schroedinger Equation
,    Fortran 90 Introduction and Conversion
,    One day MATLAB Course at RMCS (Cranfield)
,    Mathematics-in-Industry Study Group
,    Gelfand Celebration
,    Postions at King Saud University
,    Two Post-Doctoral Positions at Napier University, SCOTLAND
,    Research and Development Programmer Positions
,    Faculty Positions at SUNY-Buffalo
,    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applciations
,    Contents, SIAM Mathematical Analysis
,    Contents, IMA Numerical Analysis

file na-digest/93/v93n37
for	    Code Sought for Singular Boundary Value Problem
,    Computing Klein's Modular Function
,    Simple handling of IEEE exceptions on SUN
,    Re: IEEE Reality Check
,    Complexity of Matrix Multiplication
,    High School Mathematics Magazines - Inquiry
,    Brazillian Society for Applied and Computational Mathematics
,    Help Sought for IMSL and Salford Fortran
,    SIAM Student Paper Prizes
,    3DVIEWNIX: A System for Multidimensional Visualization
,    Southeastern SIAM Meeting
,    Computer Aided Geometric Design in Malaysia
,    IEEE Control and Signal Processing Conference in Prague
,    Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
,    Mathematics and Computation from the Materials Sciences
,    Object-Oriented Numerics Conference
,    IMACS Workshop on Turbulence
,    Positions at the U. of New Mexico
,    Position at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt
,    Positions at Hong Kong Baptist College
,    Position at Old Dominion University
,    New Journal, Optimization MEthods and Software
,    Contents, Journal Computation and Applied Mathematics
,    Contents, ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software

file na-digest/93/v93n38
for	    Some Frquently Asked Questions
,    Updated Fortran 90 Benchmark Suite
,    Shallow Water and Short Waves
,    Comments on IEEE Arithmetic
,    Division by Zero is OK in Many Cases
,    Use of STRIDE for Initial-value PDEs
,    Corrected Email Address for Hong Kong Baptist College
,    Change of Address for Eric de Sturler
,    Position at Univ. New Mexico and Hawaii
,    Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences
,    Position, Utrecht University, Netherlands
,    Positions at the University of Colorado at Denver
,    Announcing ONE day Course on Mathematica 17 Nov 1993
,    Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
,    Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference
,    NSF Postdoctoral Research Associates
,    LAA Now Accepting LATEX Files
,    Special Issue of LAA Honoring Fiedler and Ptak
,    Contents: Advances in Computational Mathematics
,    Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics
,    Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

file na-digest/93/v93n39
for	    Navier-Stokes Solver Sought
,    Parallel LAPACK?
,    Software Sought for Meshing in 3D
,    Academic Programs on Scientific Computing
,    New E-mail Address for Jim Greenberg
,    Change of Address for Greg Luther
,    Address Changes for John Buoni and Bruce Mattingly
,    Iterative Methods Moves Mountains
,    Managing Director Position at SIAM
,    Graduate Assistantships at Los Alamos
,    Position at University of Bonn
,    Position at Southern Methodist University
,    Position at North Carolina State University
,    Position at Yale
,    Position at Sandia Livermore
,    1995 IMA Linear Algebra Conference in Manchester
,    Proceedings of Conference on Numerical Integration
,    Block Elimination Codes Available
,    Preprints via FTP from Chemnitz

file na-digest/93/v93n40
for	    Delaunay Triangulation Solver Sought
,    A Linear Algebra Problem?
,    Experience with Mac-based Computer Labs
,    Change of Address for Michele Benzi
,    New Address for Georg Heinig
,    Change of Address for Karel in 't Hout
,    Two One day courses -- Matlab, Mathematica
,    Help With Bio-Medical Computing Sought
,    Korteweg-de Vries Software Available
,    Transformations of Linear Second Order ODEs.
,    New Book on Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms
,    Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems
,    Multiconference on Computer Simulation
,    SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
,    Research Fellowship at Sandia
,    Position at SUNY Stony Brook
,    Householder Fellowship at Oak Ridge
,    Postdoctoral Position at North Carolina State
,    Contents: SIAM Numerical Analysis

file na-digest/93/v93n41
for	    Singular Volterra integral equations
,    Change of address of Martin Brokate
,    Research and reports at Greenwich
,    Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics; Volume 48, No. 3
,    INTERVAL '94
,    Floating Point Arithmetic In Numerical Methods & Software
,    Biomathematics Fellowships
,    European Neural Network Society I C A N N ' 94 - Sorrento
,    NASECODE X Announcement and Call for Papers
,    Announcing One-day Short Course by CRPC
,    27th European Study Group With Industry
,    Position at University of Kansas
,    Applied Analysis Position at NCSU
,    Deadline Change For World Congress
,    Position at Wichita State University
,    NSF Graduate Research Traineeships
,    Position of Research Assistant at the University of New South Wales
,    Table of Contents SICOMP 23-1
,    2 day Symposium Organised by ACT-UETP
,    WCCM III Call for Abstracts
,    Positions at University of Minnesota
,    International Symposium PCG'94 on "Matrix Analysis and Parallel Computing"
,    Workshop on Chemical ODE's

file na-digest/93/v93n42
for	    GAMM-SIAM Conference on "Inverse Problems in Diffusion Processes"
,    ICRM parallelization 
,    Position at the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University
,    LAA policy on publication of research
,    FTP at UTIA Available
,    Release 1.1 of CUTE  is now available
,    SIMAX 15-1 Table of Contents
,    New book: Numerical Methods for Advection-Diffusion Problems, etc, Vol 45
,    Announcing 1994 SIAM Annual Meeting
,    Algorithm analysis and efficiency
,    Upstate Numerical Analysis Day -- Cornell University

file na-digest/93/v93n43
for	    Results of SIAM Election
,    Formation of E-mail Group on Hysteresis
,    Gauss-Newton method with Constraints
,    Mathieu Functions with Complex Parameters
,    Elliptic Integral for Complex Argument
,    Algorithms for Logarithm and Exponential
,    Optimization Software Guide
,    New Book: Multilevel Adaptive Methods
,    Department Head Position at Drexel
,    Department Head Position at Colorado School of Mines 
,    Position at Temple University
,    Position at Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford
,    Japan-US Symposium on CFD
,    IFIP Conference on Programming Environments
,    Conference on Massively Parallel Scientific Computing
,    IMACS Turbulence Workshop
,    Registration for Lanczos Conference
,    Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing
,    Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures
,    Conference Honoring Kantorovich in Novosibirsk
,    Workshop on Optimal Design and Control
,    Contents: Surveys on Mathematics for Industry
,    Contents: SIAM Optimaztion

file na-digest/93/v93n44
for	    LSQR, Paige and Saunders
,    Computing Eigenvalues of Large, Complex Matrices
,    Upstate NA Day
,    General Purpose Parallel Computing
,    Northern England Universities Numerical Analysis Colloquium 
,    Domain-Based Parallelism and Problem Decomposition
,    Position at Univ. California, Santa Barbara
,    Position at Simon Fraser University
,    Contents: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

file na-digest/93/v93n45
for	    Nonlinear Constrained Optimization and PDEs
,    Test for Containment in Convex Hull
,    MATLAB Primer, 3rd Ed. Available
,    NSF High Performance Computing
,    Conference on Parallel Processing, CONPAR 94
,    Deadlines for SIAM Meetings
,    SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference Deadline
,    Bath-Bristol NA Day
,    Position at University of Connecticut
,    Position at Queen's University, Ontario
,    Position at University of Washington
,    Contents: Constructive Approximation
,    Contents: Algorithms for Approximation III
,    Contents: Interval Computations
,    Contents: SIAM Scientific Computing
,    Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics

file na-digest/93/v93n46
for	    First Asian CFD Conference
,    Hellenic Mathematical Society                       
,    IMACS Turbulence Workshop
,    Special Issues of Advances in Computational Mathematics
,    Position at Tsing Hua University
,    Department Head at University of Illinois at Chicago
,    Positions at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

file na-digest/93/v93n47
for	    Penalty Methods Question
,    Searching for C code for MemSys Algorithm
,    Test Matrix Toolbox for Matlab 4
,    BibTex Database on Netlib 
,    Numerical Solution of Sturm-Liouville Problems
,    Conference on Domain Decomposition
,    Stochastic Modeling Workshop at Stony Brook
,    Massively Parallel Computing and Applications
,    Course on Iterative Methods in Leuven
,    Research Positions at ICASE
,    Chair Position at University  of Virginia
,    PostDoctoral Position at U. C. Davis
,    Positions at The University of Queensland
,    Position at Memphis State
,    Contents: Parallel Processing Letters

file na-digest/93/v93n48
for	    Freely Distributable LIBM
,    New book, Numerical Hamiltonian Problems
,    Medicine Meets Virtual Reality
,    Scientific and Statistical Database Management
,    16th Dundee NA Conference, 1995
,    Group Theoretical Methods in  Physics 
,    Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies 
,    Simulation for Manufacturing and Communications
,    Position at Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
,    Positions at RIACS
,    Contents, Linear Algebra and its Applications