The CLAPACK library was built using a Fortran to C conversion utility called f2c [40]. The entire Fortran 77 LAPACK library is run through f2c to obtain C code, and then modified to improve readability. CLAPACK's goal is to provide LAPACK for someone who does not have access to a Fortran compiler.
However, f2c is designed to create C code that is still callable from Fortran, so all arguments must be passed using Fortran calling conventions and data structures. This requirement has several repercussions. The first is that since many compilers require distinct Fortran and C routine namespaces, an underscore (_) is appended to C routine names which will be called from Fortran. Therefore, f2c has added this underscore to all the names in CLAPACK. So, a call that in Fortran would look like:
call dgetrf(...)becomes in C:
dgetrf_(...);Second, the user must pass ALL arguments by reference, i.e. as pointers, since this is how Fortran works. This includes all scalar arguments like M and N. This restriction means that you cannot make a call with numbers directly in the parameter sequence. For example, consider the LU factorization of a 5-by-5 matrix. If the matrix to be factored is called A, the Fortran call
call dgetrf(5, 5, A, 5, ipiv, info)becomes in C:
M = N = LDA = 5; dgetrf_(&M, &N, A, &LDA, ipiv, &info);
Some LAPACK routines take character string arguments. In all but the testing and timing code, only the first character of the string is signficant. Therefore, the CLAPACK driver, computational, and auxiliary routines only expect single character arguments. For example, the Fortran call
call dpotrf( 'Upper', n, a, lda, info )becomes in C:
char s = 'U'; dpotrf_(&s, &n, a, &lda, &info);
In a future release we hope to provide ``wrapper'' routines that will remove the need for these unnecessary pointers, and automatically allocate (``malloc'') any workspace that is required.
As a final point, we must stress that there is a difference in the definition of a two-dimensional array in Fortran and C. A two-dimensional Fortran array declared as
DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA, N)is a contiguous piece of LDAN double-words of memory, stored in column-major order: elements in a column are contiguous, and elements within a row are separated by a stride of LDA double-words.
In C, however, a two-dimensional array is in row-major order. Further, the rows of a two-dimensional C array need not be contiguous. The array
double A[LDA][N];actually has LDA pointers to rows of length N. These pointers can in principle be anywhere in memory. Passing such a two-dimensional C array to a CLAPACK routine will almost surely give erroneous results.
Instead, you must use a one-dimensional C array of size LDAN double-words (or else malloc the same amount of space). We recommend using the following code to get the array CLAPACK will be expecting:
double *A; A = malloc( LDA*N*sizeof(double) );Note that for best memory utilization, you would set LDA=M, the actual number of rows of A. If you now wish to operate on the matrix A, remember that A is in column-major order. As an example of accessing Fortran-style arrays in C, the following code fragments show how to initialize the array A declared above so that all of column has the value :
double *ptr; ptr = A; for(j=0; j < N; j++) { for (i=0; i < M; i++) *ptr++ = j; ptr += (LDA - M); }or, you can use:
for(j=0; j < N; j++) { for (i=0; i < M; i++) A[j*LDA+i] = j; }Note that the loop over the row index i is the inner loop, since column entries are contiguous.