97 REAL function
slanst( norm, n, d, e )
115 parameter( one = 1.0e+0, zero = 0.0e+0 )
119 REAL anorm, scale, sum
135 ELSE IF(
lsame( norm,
'M' ) )
139 anorm = abs( d( n ) )
142 IF( anorm .LT. sum .OR.
sisnan( sum ) ) anorm = sum
144 IF( anorm .LT. sum .OR.
sisnan( sum ) ) anorm = sum
146 ELSE IF(
lsame( norm,
'O' ) .OR. norm.EQ.
'1' .OR.
147 $
lsame( norm,
'I' ) )
152 anorm = abs( d( 1 ) )
154 anorm = abs( d( 1 ) )+abs( e( 1 ) )
155 sum = abs( e( n-1 ) )+abs( d( n ) )
156 IF( anorm .LT. sum .OR.
sisnan( sum ) ) anorm = sum
158 sum = abs( d( i ) )+abs( e( i ) )+abs( e( i-1 ) )
159 IF( anorm .LT. sum .OR.
sisnan( sum ) ) anorm = sum
162 ELSE IF( (
lsame( norm,
'F' ) ) .OR.
163 $ (
lsame( norm,
'E' ) ) )
170 CALL slassq( n-1, e, 1, scale, sum )
173 CALL slassq( n, d, 1, scale, sum )
174 anorm = scale*sqrt( sum )
logical function sisnan(sin)
SISNAN tests input for NaN.
real function slanst(norm, n, d, e)
SLANST returns the value of the 1-norm, or the Frobenius norm, or the infinity norm,...
subroutine slassq(n, x, incx, scale, sumsq)
SLASSQ updates a sum of squares represented in scaled form.
logical function lsame(ca, cb)