LAPACK 3.12.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
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Functions/Subroutines | |
program | cblat3 |
CBLAT3 | |
subroutine | cchk1 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g) |
subroutine | cchk2 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g) |
subroutine | cchk3 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, ct, g, c) |
subroutine | cchk4 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g) |
subroutine | cchk5 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, ab, aa, as, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g, w) |
subroutine | cchke (isnum, srnamt, nout) |
subroutine | cmake (type, uplo, diag, m, n, a, nmax, aa, lda, reset, transl) |
subroutine | cmmch (transa, transb, m, n, kk, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc, ct, g, cc, ldcc, eps, err, fatal, nout, mv) |
logical function | lce (ri, rj, lr) |
logical function | lceres (type, uplo, m, n, aa, as, lda) |
complex function | cbeg (reset) |
real function | sdiff (x, y) |
subroutine | chkxer (srnamt, infot, nout, lerr, ok) |
subroutine | xerbla (srname, info) |
subroutine | cchk6 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g) |
subroutine | cmmtch (uplo, transa, transb, n, kk, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc, ct, g, cc, ldcc, eps, err, fatal, nout, mv) |