LAPACK 3.12.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches
Initialize, copy, convert
Collaboration diagram for Initialize, copy, convert:


 laset: set matrix
 larnv: random vector
 laruv: random uniform vector
 lacpy: copy matrix
 lacp2: general matrix, convert real to complex
 <em>lag2</em>: general matrix, convert double <=> single
 <em>lat2</em>: triangular matrix, convert double <=> single
 tfttp: triangular matrix, RFP (tf) to packed (tp)
 tfttr: triangular matrix, RFP (tf) to full (tr)
 tpttf: triangular matrix, packed (tp) to RFP (tf)
 tpttr: triangular matrix, packed (tp) to full (tr)
 trttf: triangular matrix, full (tr) to RFP (tf)
 trttp: triangular matrix, full (tr) to packed (tp)

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