LAPACK 3.12.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches
zblat3.f File Reference

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program zblat3
subroutine zchk1 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g)
subroutine zchk2 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g)
subroutine zchk3 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, ct, g, c)
subroutine zchk4 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g)
subroutine zchk5 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, ab, aa, as, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g, w)
subroutine zchke (isnum, srnamt, nout)
subroutine zmake (type, uplo, diag, m, n, a, nmax, aa, lda, reset, transl)
subroutine zmmch (transa, transb, m, n, kk, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc, ct, g, cc, ldcc, eps, err, fatal, nout, mv)
logical function lze (ri, rj, lr)
logical function lzeres (type, uplo, m, n, aa, as, lda)
complex *16 function zbeg (reset)
double precision function ddiff (x, y)
subroutine chkxer (srnamt, infot, nout, lerr, ok)
subroutine xerbla (srname, info)
subroutine zchk6 (sname, eps, thresh, nout, ntra, trace, rewi, fatal, nidim, idim, nalf, alf, nbet, bet, nmax, a, aa, as, b, bb, bs, c, cc, cs, ct, g)
subroutine zmmtch (uplo, transa, transb, n, kk, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc, ct, g, cc, ldcc, eps, err, fatal, nout, mv)