LAPACK  3.6.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine zlatme ( integer  N,
character  DIST,
integer, dimension( 4 )  ISEED,
complex*16, dimension( * )  D,
integer  MODE,
double precision  COND,
complex*16  DMAX,
character  RSIGN,
character  UPPER,
character  SIM,
double precision, dimension( * )  DS,
integer  MODES,
double precision  CONDS,
integer  KL,
integer  KU,
double precision  ANORM,
complex*16, dimension( lda, * )  A,
integer  LDA,
complex*16, dimension( * )  WORK,
integer  INFO 


    ZLATME generates random non-symmetric square matrices with
    specified eigenvalues for testing LAPACK programs.

    ZLATME operates by applying the following sequence of

    1. Set the diagonal to D, where D may be input or
         computed according to MODE, COND, DMAX, and RSIGN
         as described below.

    2. If UPPER='T', the upper triangle of A is set to random values
         out of distribution DIST.

    3. If SIM='T', A is multiplied on the left by a random matrix
         X, whose singular values are specified by DS, MODES, and
         CONDS, and on the right by X inverse.

    4. If KL < N-1, the lower bandwidth is reduced to KL using
         Householder transformations.  If KU < N-1, the upper
         bandwidth is reduced to KU.

    5. If ANORM is not negative, the matrix is scaled to have
         maximum-element-norm ANORM.

    (Note: since the matrix cannot be reduced beyond Hessenberg form,
     no packing options are available.)
          N is INTEGER
           The number of columns (or rows) of A. Not modified.
          DIST is CHARACTER*1
           On entry, DIST specifies the type of distribution to be used
           to generate the random eigen-/singular values, and on the
           upper triangle (see UPPER).
           'U' => UNIFORM( 0, 1 )  ( 'U' for uniform )
           'S' => UNIFORM( -1, 1 ) ( 'S' for symmetric )
           'N' => NORMAL( 0, 1 )   ( 'N' for normal )
           'D' => uniform on the complex disc |z| < 1.
           Not modified.
          ISEED is INTEGER array, dimension ( 4 )
           On entry ISEED specifies the seed of the random number
           generator. They should lie between 0 and 4095 inclusive,
           and ISEED(4) should be odd. The random number generator
           uses a linear congruential sequence limited to small
           integers, and so should produce machine independent
           random numbers. The values of ISEED are changed on
           exit, and can be used in the next call to ZLATME
           to continue the same random number sequence.
           Changed on exit.
          D is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ( N )
           This array is used to specify the eigenvalues of A.  If
           MODE=0, then D is assumed to contain the eigenvalues
           otherwise they will be computed according to MODE, COND,
           DMAX, and RSIGN and placed in D.
           Modified if MODE is nonzero.
          MODE is INTEGER
           On entry this describes how the eigenvalues are to
           be specified:
           MODE = 0 means use D as input
           MODE = 1 sets D(1)=1 and D(2:N)=1.0/COND
           MODE = 2 sets D(1:N-1)=1 and D(N)=1.0/COND
           MODE = 3 sets D(I)=COND**(-(I-1)/(N-1))
           MODE = 4 sets D(i)=1 - (i-1)/(N-1)*(1 - 1/COND)
           MODE = 5 sets D to random numbers in the range
                    ( 1/COND , 1 ) such that their logarithms
                    are uniformly distributed.
           MODE = 6 set D to random numbers from same distribution
                    as the rest of the matrix.
           MODE < 0 has the same meaning as ABS(MODE), except that
              the order of the elements of D is reversed.
           Thus if MODE is between 1 and 4, D has entries ranging
              from 1 to 1/COND, if between -1 and -4, D has entries
              ranging from 1/COND to 1,
           Not modified.
           On entry, this is used as described under MODE above.
           If used, it must be >= 1. Not modified.
          DMAX is COMPLEX*16
           If MODE is neither -6, 0 nor 6, the contents of D, as
           computed according to MODE and COND, will be scaled by
           DMAX / max(abs(D(i))).  Note that DMAX need not be
           positive or real: if DMAX is negative or complex (or zero),
           D will be scaled by a negative or complex number (or zero).
           If RSIGN='F' then the largest (absolute) eigenvalue will be
           equal to DMAX.
           Not modified.
          RSIGN is CHARACTER*1
           If MODE is not 0, 6, or -6, and RSIGN='T', then the
           elements of D, as computed according to MODE and COND, will
           be multiplied by a random complex number from the unit
           circle |z| = 1.  If RSIGN='F', they will not be.  RSIGN may
           only have the values 'T' or 'F'.
           Not modified.
          UPPER is CHARACTER*1
           If UPPER='T', then the elements of A above the diagonal
           will be set to random numbers out of DIST.  If UPPER='F',
           they will not.  UPPER may only have the values 'T' or 'F'.
           Not modified.
          SIM is CHARACTER*1
           If SIM='T', then A will be operated on by a "similarity
           transform", i.e., multiplied on the left by a matrix X and
           on the right by X inverse.  X = U S V, where U and V are
           random unitary matrices and S is a (diagonal) matrix of
           singular values specified by DS, MODES, and CONDS.  If
           SIM='F', then A will not be transformed.
           Not modified.
          DS is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N )
           This array is used to specify the singular values of X,
           in the same way that D specifies the eigenvalues of A.
           If MODE=0, the DS contains the singular values, which
           may not be zero.
           Modified if MODE is nonzero.
          MODES is INTEGER
           Similar to MODE and COND, but for specifying the diagonal
           of S.  MODES=-6 and +6 are not allowed (since they would
           result in randomly ill-conditioned eigenvalues.)
          KL is INTEGER
           This specifies the lower bandwidth of the  matrix.  KL=1
           specifies upper Hessenberg form.  If KL is at least N-1,
           then A will have full lower bandwidth.
           Not modified.
          KU is INTEGER
           This specifies the upper bandwidth of the  matrix.  KU=1
           specifies lower Hessenberg form.  If KU is at least N-1,
           then A will have full upper bandwidth; if KU and KL
           are both at least N-1, then A will be dense.  Only one of
           KU and KL may be less than N-1.
           Not modified.
           If ANORM is not negative, then A will be scaled by a non-
           negative real number to make the maximum-element-norm of A
           to be ANORM.
           Not modified.
          A is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ( LDA, N )
           On exit A is the desired test matrix.
          LDA is INTEGER
           LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared in the
           calling program.  LDA must be at least M.
           Not modified.
          WORK is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension ( 3*N )
          INFO is INTEGER
           Error code.  On exit, INFO will be set to one of the
           following values:
             0 => normal return
            -1 => N negative
            -2 => DIST illegal string
            -5 => MODE not in range -6 to 6
            -6 => COND less than 1.0, and MODE neither -6, 0 nor 6
            -9 => RSIGN is not 'T' or 'F'
           -10 => UPPER is not 'T' or 'F'
           -11 => SIM   is not 'T' or 'F'
           -12 => MODES=0 and DS has a zero singular value.
           -13 => MODES is not in the range -5 to 5.
           -14 => MODES is nonzero and CONDS is less than 1.
           -15 => KL is less than 1.
           -16 => KU is less than 1, or KL and KU are both less than
           -19 => LDA is less than M.
            1  => Error return from ZLATM1 (computing D)
            2  => Cannot scale to DMAX (max. eigenvalue is 0)
            3  => Error return from DLATM1 (computing DS)
            4  => Error return from ZLARGE
            5  => Zero singular value from DLATM1.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
November 2011

Definition at line 303 of file zlatme.f.

303 *
304 * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.0) --
305 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
306 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
307 * November 2011
308 *
309 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
310  CHARACTER dist, rsign, sim, upper
311  INTEGER info, kl, ku, lda, mode, modes, n
312  DOUBLE PRECISION anorm, cond, conds
313  COMPLEX*16 dmax
314 * ..
315 * .. Array Arguments ..
316  INTEGER iseed( 4 )
318  COMPLEX*16 a( lda, * ), d( * ), work( * )
319 * ..
320 *
321 * =====================================================================
322 *
323 * .. Parameters ..
325  parameter ( zero = 0.0d+0 )
327  parameter ( one = 1.0d+0 )
328  COMPLEX*16 czero
329  parameter ( czero = ( 0.0d+0, 0.0d+0 ) )
330  COMPLEX*16 cone
331  parameter ( cone = ( 1.0d+0, 0.0d+0 ) )
332 * ..
333 * .. Local Scalars ..
334  LOGICAL bads
335  INTEGER i, ic, icols, idist, iinfo, ir, irows, irsign,
336  $ isim, iupper, j, jc, jcr
337  DOUBLE PRECISION ralpha, temp
338  COMPLEX*16 alpha, tau, xnorms
339 * ..
340 * .. Local Arrays ..
341  DOUBLE PRECISION tempa( 1 )
342 * ..
343 * .. External Functions ..
344  LOGICAL lsame
346  COMPLEX*16 zlarnd
347  EXTERNAL lsame, zlange, zlarnd
348 * ..
349 * .. External Subroutines ..
350  EXTERNAL dlatm1, xerbla, zcopy, zdscal, zgemv, zgerc,
352  $ zscal
353 * ..
354 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
355  INTRINSIC abs, dconjg, max, mod
356 * ..
357 * .. Executable Statements ..
358 *
359 * 1) Decode and Test the input parameters.
360 * Initialize flags & seed.
361 *
362  info = 0
363 *
364 * Quick return if possible
365 *
366  IF( n.EQ.0 )
367  $ RETURN
368 *
369 * Decode DIST
370 *
371  IF( lsame( dist, 'U' ) ) THEN
372  idist = 1
373  ELSE IF( lsame( dist, 'S' ) ) THEN
374  idist = 2
375  ELSE IF( lsame( dist, 'N' ) ) THEN
376  idist = 3
377  ELSE IF( lsame( dist, 'D' ) ) THEN
378  idist = 4
379  ELSE
380  idist = -1
381  END IF
382 *
383 * Decode RSIGN
384 *
385  IF( lsame( rsign, 'T' ) ) THEN
386  irsign = 1
387  ELSE IF( lsame( rsign, 'F' ) ) THEN
388  irsign = 0
389  ELSE
390  irsign = -1
391  END IF
392 *
393 * Decode UPPER
394 *
395  IF( lsame( upper, 'T' ) ) THEN
396  iupper = 1
397  ELSE IF( lsame( upper, 'F' ) ) THEN
398  iupper = 0
399  ELSE
400  iupper = -1
401  END IF
402 *
403 * Decode SIM
404 *
405  IF( lsame( sim, 'T' ) ) THEN
406  isim = 1
407  ELSE IF( lsame( sim, 'F' ) ) THEN
408  isim = 0
409  ELSE
410  isim = -1
411  END IF
412 *
413 * Check DS, if MODES=0 and ISIM=1
414 *
415  bads = .false.
416  IF( modes.EQ.0 .AND. isim.EQ.1 ) THEN
417  DO 10 j = 1, n
418  IF( ds( j ) )
419  $ bads = .true.
420  10 CONTINUE
421  END IF
422 *
423 * Set INFO if an error
424 *
425  IF( n.LT.0 ) THEN
426  info = -1
427  ELSE IF( idist.EQ.-1 ) THEN
428  info = -2
429  ELSE IF( abs( mode ).GT.6 ) THEN
430  info = -5
431  ELSE IF( ( mode.NE.0 .AND. abs( mode ).NE.6 ) .AND. )
432  $ THEN
433  info = -6
434  ELSE IF( irsign.EQ.-1 ) THEN
435  info = -9
436  ELSE IF( iupper.EQ.-1 ) THEN
437  info = -10
438  ELSE IF( isim.EQ.-1 ) THEN
439  info = -11
440  ELSE IF( bads ) THEN
441  info = -12
442  ELSE IF( isim.EQ.1 .AND. abs( modes ).GT.5 ) THEN
443  info = -13
444  ELSE IF( isim.EQ.1 .AND. modes.NE.0 .AND. ) THEN
445  info = -14
446  ELSE IF( kl.LT.1 ) THEN
447  info = -15
448  ELSE IF( ku.LT.1 .OR. ( ku.LT.n-1 .AND. kl.LT.n-1 ) ) THEN
449  info = -16
450  ELSE IF( lda.LT.max( 1, n ) ) THEN
451  info = -19
452  END IF
453 *
454  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
455  CALL xerbla( 'ZLATME', -info )
457  END IF
458 *
459 * Initialize random number generator
460 *
461  DO 20 i = 1, 4
462  iseed( i ) = mod( abs( iseed( i ) ), 4096 )
463  20 CONTINUE
464 *
465  IF( mod( iseed( 4 ), 2 ).NE.1 )
466  $ iseed( 4 ) = iseed( 4 ) + 1
467 *
468 * 2) Set up diagonal of A
469 *
470 * Compute D according to COND and MODE
471 *
472  CALL zlatm1( mode, cond, irsign, idist, iseed, d, n, iinfo )
473  IF( iinfo.NE.0 ) THEN
474  info = 1
476  END IF
477  IF( mode.NE.0 .AND. abs( mode ).NE.6 ) THEN
478 *
479 * Scale by DMAX
480 *
481  temp = abs( d( 1 ) )
482  DO 30 i = 2, n
483  temp = max( temp, abs( d( i ) ) )
484  30 CONTINUE
485 *
486  IF( ) THEN
487  alpha = dmax / temp
488  ELSE
489  info = 2
491  END IF
492 *
493  CALL zscal( n, alpha, d, 1 )
494 *
495  END IF
496 *
497  CALL zlaset( 'Full', n, n, czero, czero, a, lda )
498  CALL zcopy( n, d, 1, a, lda+1 )
499 *
500 * 3) If UPPER='T', set upper triangle of A to random numbers.
501 *
502  IF( iupper.NE.0 ) THEN
503  DO 40 jc = 2, n
504  CALL zlarnv( idist, iseed, jc-1, a( 1, jc ) )
505  40 CONTINUE
506  END IF
507 *
508 * 4) If SIM='T', apply similarity transformation.
509 *
510 * -1
511 * Transform is X A X , where X = U S V, thus
512 *
513 * it is U S V A V' (1/S) U'
514 *
515  IF( isim.NE.0 ) THEN
516 *
517 * Compute S (singular values of the eigenvector matrix)
518 * according to CONDS and MODES
519 *
520  CALL dlatm1( modes, conds, 0, 0, iseed, ds, n, iinfo )
521  IF( iinfo.NE.0 ) THEN
522  info = 3
524  END IF
525 *
526 * Multiply by V and V'
527 *
528  CALL zlarge( n, a, lda, iseed, work, iinfo )
529  IF( iinfo.NE.0 ) THEN
530  info = 4
532  END IF
533 *
534 * Multiply by S and (1/S)
535 *
536  DO 50 j = 1, n
537  CALL zdscal( n, ds( j ), a( j, 1 ), lda )
538  IF( ds( j ) ) THEN
539  CALL zdscal( n, one / ds( j ), a( 1, j ), 1 )
540  ELSE
541  info = 5
543  END IF
544  50 CONTINUE
545 *
546 * Multiply by U and U'
547 *
548  CALL zlarge( n, a, lda, iseed, work, iinfo )
549  IF( iinfo.NE.0 ) THEN
550  info = 4
552  END IF
553  END IF
554 *
555 * 5) Reduce the bandwidth.
556 *
557  IF( kl.LT.n-1 ) THEN
558 *
559 * Reduce bandwidth -- kill column
560 *
561  DO 60 jcr = kl + 1, n - 1
562  ic = jcr - kl
563  irows = n + 1 - jcr
564  icols = n + kl - jcr
565 *
566  CALL zcopy( irows, a( jcr, ic ), 1, work, 1 )
567  xnorms = work( 1 )
568  CALL zlarfg( irows, xnorms, work( 2 ), 1, tau )
569  tau = dconjg( tau )
570  work( 1 ) = cone
571  alpha = zlarnd( 5, iseed )
572 *
573  CALL zgemv( 'C', irows, icols, cone, a( jcr, ic+1 ), lda,
574  $ work, 1, czero, work( irows+1 ), 1 )
575  CALL zgerc( irows, icols, -tau, work, 1, work( irows+1 ), 1,
576  $ a( jcr, ic+1 ), lda )
577 *
578  CALL zgemv( 'N', n, irows, cone, a( 1, jcr ), lda, work, 1,
579  $ czero, work( irows+1 ), 1 )
580  CALL zgerc( n, irows, -dconjg( tau ), work( irows+1 ), 1,
581  $ work, 1, a( 1, jcr ), lda )
582 *
583  a( jcr, ic ) = xnorms
584  CALL zlaset( 'Full', irows-1, 1, czero, czero,
585  $ a( jcr+1, ic ), lda )
586 *
587  CALL zscal( icols+1, alpha, a( jcr, ic ), lda )
588  CALL zscal( n, dconjg( alpha ), a( 1, jcr ), 1 )
589  60 CONTINUE
590  ELSE IF( ku.LT.n-1 ) THEN
591 *
592 * Reduce upper bandwidth -- kill a row at a time.
593 *
594  DO 70 jcr = ku + 1, n - 1
595  ir = jcr - ku
596  irows = n + ku - jcr
597  icols = n + 1 - jcr
598 *
599  CALL zcopy( icols, a( ir, jcr ), lda, work, 1 )
600  xnorms = work( 1 )
601  CALL zlarfg( icols, xnorms, work( 2 ), 1, tau )
602  tau = dconjg( tau )
603  work( 1 ) = cone
604  CALL zlacgv( icols-1, work( 2 ), 1 )
605  alpha = zlarnd( 5, iseed )
606 *
607  CALL zgemv( 'N', irows, icols, cone, a( ir+1, jcr ), lda,
608  $ work, 1, czero, work( icols+1 ), 1 )
609  CALL zgerc( irows, icols, -tau, work( icols+1 ), 1, work, 1,
610  $ a( ir+1, jcr ), lda )
611 *
612  CALL zgemv( 'C', icols, n, cone, a( jcr, 1 ), lda, work, 1,
613  $ czero, work( icols+1 ), 1 )
614  CALL zgerc( icols, n, -dconjg( tau ), work, 1,
615  $ work( icols+1 ), 1, a( jcr, 1 ), lda )
616 *
617  a( ir, jcr ) = xnorms
618  CALL zlaset( 'Full', 1, icols-1, czero, czero,
619  $ a( ir, jcr+1 ), lda )
620 *
621  CALL zscal( irows+1, alpha, a( ir, jcr ), 1 )
622  CALL zscal( n, dconjg( alpha ), a( jcr, 1 ), lda )
623  70 CONTINUE
624  END IF
625 *
626 * Scale the matrix to have norm ANORM
627 *
628  IF( ) THEN
629  temp = zlange( 'M', n, n, a, lda, tempa )
630  IF( ) THEN
631  ralpha = anorm / temp
632  DO 80 j = 1, n
633  CALL zdscal( n, ralpha, a( 1, j ), 1 )
634  80 CONTINUE
635  END IF
636  END IF
637 *
639 *
640 * End of ZLATME
641 *
subroutine zlarnv(IDIST, ISEED, N, X)
ZLARNV returns a vector of random numbers from a uniform or normal distribution.
Definition: zlarnv.f:101
subroutine zcopy(N, ZX, INCX, ZY, INCY)
Definition: zcopy.f:52
subroutine dlatm1(MODE, COND, IRSIGN, IDIST, ISEED, D, N, INFO)
Definition: dlatm1.f:137
subroutine zgemv(TRANS, M, N, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, BETA, Y, INCY)
Definition: zgemv.f:160
subroutine zlarfg(N, ALPHA, X, INCX, TAU)
ZLARFG generates an elementary reflector (Householder matrix).
Definition: zlarfg.f:108
subroutine zlarge(N, A, LDA, ISEED, WORK, INFO)
Definition: zlarge.f:89
subroutine zgerc(M, N, ALPHA, X, INCX, Y, INCY, A, LDA)
Definition: zgerc.f:132
subroutine zlaset(UPLO, M, N, ALPHA, BETA, A, LDA)
ZLASET initializes the off-diagonal elements and the diagonal elements of a matrix to given values...
Definition: zlaset.f:108
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62
double precision function zlange(NORM, M, N, A, LDA, WORK)
ZLANGE returns the value of the 1-norm, Frobenius norm, infinity-norm, or the largest absolute value ...
Definition: zlange.f:117
subroutine zdscal(N, DA, ZX, INCX)
Definition: zdscal.f:54
subroutine zlatm1(MODE, COND, IRSIGN, IDIST, ISEED, D, N, INFO)
Definition: zlatm1.f:139
logical function lsame(CA, CB)
Definition: lsame.f:55
complex *16 function zlarnd(IDIST, ISEED)
Definition: zlarnd.f:77
subroutine zscal(N, ZA, ZX, INCX)
Definition: zscal.f:54
subroutine zlacgv(N, X, INCX)
ZLACGV conjugates a complex vector.
Definition: zlacgv.f:76

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: