Next: 10 Summary and Conclusions
Up: VAMPIR: Visualization and Analysis
Previous: 8 Time-line Displays
VAMPIR accesses several external tools to perform some of its
tasks. These tools must be located in a directory included in your
PATH environment variable:
- lpr or lp, the standard UNIX printing facilities, to
print lists and window snapshots.
- import, a screen snapshot utility from the
ImageMagick package to export or print window contents.
ImageMagick is delivered as part of VAMPIR; it can also be downloaded
from, directory
- If you have trace files compressed with gzip or
compress, VAMPIR can extract them automatically if their
counterparts gunzip or uncompress, respectively, are
There are quite a few other enhanced features that cannot be described
in detail in this paper; the most important ones are mentioned
- filter functions: VAMPIR allows
to simultaneously display up to 512 nodes. Typically, this number is
much too large to be handled meaningfully; therefore, powerful filter
functions are available to reduce the number of nodes, either
automatically or manually by the user.
- movie support: after each animation step, control is optionally
given back to a user-command (i.e., a shell script). This allows to
generate movies unattended by the user, just by specifying a single
command in a sub-panel.
Tue May 28 14:38:25 PST 1996