HPL Related Links

The list of links below contains some relevant material to this work. This list is provided for illustrative purposes, and should be regarded as an initial starting point for the interested reader. This list is by all means not meant to be exhaustive.

Message Passing Interface (MPI)

MPI is a library specification for message-passing, proposed as a standard by a broadly based committee of vendors, implementors, and users. Machine-specific (optimized) as well as freely available MPI libraries are available for a large variety of systems. Browse the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard web page for more information.

Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS)

The BLAS are high quality "building block" routines for performing basic vector and matrix operations. A lot of "BLAS-related" information can be found at this site. In particular, a reference implementation is available. This reference implementation is not optimized for any system, and it is therefore not recommended to use it for benchmarking purposes. However, machine-specific optimized BLAS libraries are available for a variety of computer systems. For further details, please contact your local vendor representative. Alternatively, one may also consider using automatic code generators such as ATLAS. This tool automatically generates a complete and optimized BLAS library for a large variety of modern systems.

Vector Signal Image Processing Library (VSIPL)

VSIPL is an API defined by an open standard comprised of embedded signal and image processing hardware and software vendors, academia, users, and government labs. A lot of "VSIPL-related" information can be found at this site. In particular, a reference implementation is available. Machine-specific optimized VSIPL libraries are available for a variety of computer systems. For further details, please contact your local vendor representative.

TOP 500 List

The TOP 500 is an ordered list of the 500 most powerful computer systems worldwide. Computers are ranked in this list by their performance on the LINPACK Benchmark.

Parallel Dense Linear Algebra Software Libraries

Browse the Netlib software repository or the National HPCC Software Exchange to find a large collection of freely available linear algebra libraries.

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