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Blocking Examples


Our first example is an algorithm that uses plane rotations for the QR factorization of real tex2html_wrap_inline2600 matrix X. In the description of these example algorithms we suppress all irrelevant detail. To that end, we use the notation f(x, y, z) to mean a generic function of the arguments x, y, and z which may be a different function at every occurrence.


for k = 1 to n do

for i = m to k+1 step -1 do

(1) (c, s) = f(x(i,k), x(i-1,k));

for j = k+1 to n do

(2) tex2html_wrap_inline2626 ; od



There are two distinct true dependences here. Statement (2) at iteration (i,j,k) depends on statement (2) at iterations (i+1, j, k) (because x(i,j) is changed there) (i-1, j, k-1) (because x(i-1,j) is changed there). Each iteration (i,j,k) of statment (2) depends on statement (1) at iteration (i,k), so that tex2html_wrap_inline2638 is a column of C. Furthermore, statement (1) depends on statement (2) at iterations (i, k, k-1) and (i-1,k,k-1). Therefore, through the uses of c and s, statement (2) depends on itself at iterations (i,k,k-1) and (i-1,k,k-1); this dependence is weaker that a dependence on iteration (i, j-1, k-1) and (i-1,j-1,k-1), so if we take these to be the actual dependences we are going to be safe. There are also antidependences and output dependences, but these can be ignored for the moment. Thus,
In this case, there are only three rays of the cone, namely,
After improvement we arrive at the basis
Thus, the new indices are j, k, and k-i.

After replacing the index i by tex2html_wrap_inline2666 we have the following program:


for k = 1 to n do

for r = k-m to -1 do

(c(r,k), s(r,k)) = f(x(k-r,k), x(k-r-1,k));

for j = k+1 to n do

tex2html_wrap_inline2682 ; od



Strip mining produces

for k0 = 1 to n step b do

for k = k0 to tex2html_wrap_inline2692 do

for r0 = k0-m to -1 step b do

for tex2html_wrap_inline2700 to tex2html_wrap_inline2702 do

(c(r,k), s(r,k)) = f(x(k-r,k), x(k-r-1,k));

for j0 = k0+1 to n step b do

for tex2html_wrap_inline2712 to tex2html_wrap_inline2714 do

tex2html_wrap_inline2682 ; od






Then loop interchanging produces

for k0 = 1 to n step b do

for r0 = k0-m to -1 step b do

for j0 = k0 to n step b do

for k = k0 to tex2html_wrap_inline2692 do

for tex2html_wrap_inline2700 to tex2html_wrap_inline2702 do

if j0 = k0 then (c(r,k), s(r,k)) = f(x(k-r,k), x(k-r-1,k));

for tex2html_wrap_inline2748 to tex2html_wrap_inline2714 do

tex2html_wrap_inline2682 ; od






Figure 6: Blocking of the QR factorization of an tex2html_wrap_inline2792 matrix with tex2html_wrap_inline2794.

This rather complicated blocked algorithm works as follows. We illustrate with m = 20, n = 15, b = (5, 5, 5). Elements of X are eliminated by plane rotations in patches, as shown in Figure 6. The values of k0 and r0 at which elements are eliminated is shown in each patch. The rotations used to do the elimination are applied only to columns in the current patch (during the block operation with j0 = k0). These rotations are stored and later applied to columns to the right of the patch (when j0 > k0).

For another example, consider the following program for the QR factorization which uses Householder transforms rather than plane rotations. In this pseudo-code we use the notation x(k:m,j) to refer to the vector of elements tex2html_wrap_inline2816. We include it as an example of a program that can be blocked without using linear loop index transformation.


for k = 1 to n do


x(k,k) = f(x(k,k),s(k));

for j=k+1 to n step



x(k:m,j) = x(k:m, j) + s'(k,j) * x(k:m,k); od


In Fortran, loops would be triply nested. The compiler, on detecting a dependence of some subsequent statement on the whole of an inner loop implementing a reduction operation, such as the norm and the inner product in the example, should choose to view those loops as atomic and therefore work with an index space of reduced dimension.

The dependences in (j,k) space are
The basis chosen is the obvious one: A = I. Thus, no skewing is done.

Now, we choose the order of the block loops. The measure of data flux given in Section 5 is the same for tex2html_wrap_inline2520 and for tex2html_wrap_inline2396; so neither order is preferred.

Note, however, that the two dependences are different in character. The tex2html_wrap_inline2844 dependence is a true dependence at every point of the index space. The other, tex2html_wrap_inline2846 expresses the dependence of iteration (j,k) on ``iteration'' (k,k) (the task performed outside the inner loop for given k); the data that are required are used in common by all the iterations with fixed k. Thus, for the purpose of determining data flux, this dependence direction should be given weight 1 (as are columns of C), not 2. If we make this change, the flux is greater for tex2html_wrap_inline2520, so we make the k block loop innermost. This procedure yields a left-looking method in which all groups of Householder transforms are applied to a block of columns just before that block is triangularized. This allows the block to be held in local memory during the application of these transforms.

Acknowledgement We would like to thank Ilse Ipsen for her help at the beginning of our work on this problem and Mike Wolfe for his at the end.

Appendix. Proof of Lemma 3.

Let the tex2html_wrap_inline2862 matrices tex2html_wrap_inline2864 and tex2html_wrap_inline2866. The face tex2html_wrap_inline1978 is subtended by the columns of tex2html_wrap_inline2870 . Let the matrix tex2html_wrap_inline2870 be factored
where Q is an orthogonal matrix, R is an upper triangular matrix, tex2html_wrap_inline2880 is tex2html_wrap_inline2862, and tex2html_wrap_inline2884 is tex2html_wrap_inline2886; thus tex2html_wrap_inline2888, and tex2html_wrap_inline2890 is a unit vector in the direction normal to the range of tex2html_wrap_inline2870 , which is the span of tex2html_wrap_inline2894. The matrix tex2html_wrap_inline2896 is the orthogonal projector on tex2html_wrap_inline2898. The factorization (9) always exists and is unique up to signs on the diagonal of R [10].

The columns of tex2html_wrap_inline2884 are the coordinates of the columns of tex2html_wrap_inline2870 with respect to the orthonormal basis (for the subspace of tex2html_wrap_inline2062 in which tex2html_wrap_inline1978 lies) consisting of the columns of tex2html_wrap_inline2880. Thus
We must therefore show that tex2html_wrap_inline2914.

From the identity tex2html_wrap_inline2916 it follows that tex2html_wrap_inline2918; thus

The proof is complete if we can show that tex2html_wrap_inline2922. But since tex2html_wrap_inline2924,
The result now follows from Lemma 1.

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Jack Dongarra
Tue Feb 18 15:39:11 EST 1997