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Netlib Services and Resources
Shirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, Eric Grosse, Stan Green,
Keith Moore, Tom Rowan, and Reed Wade

1.7 1.7
The Netlib repository contains freely available software,
documents, and databases of interest to the numerical, scientific
computing, and other communities. The repository is maintained
by AT&TBell Laboratories, the University of Tennessee and
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and by colleagues world-wide.
This report includes both the
Netlib User's Guide and the Netlib System Manager's Guide, and
contains information about Netlib's databases, interfaces, and system
implementation. The Netlib repository's databases include
the Performance Database, the Conferences Database, and
numerous bibliographic and address databases. A variety of
user interfaces enable users to access the Netlib repository in the
manner most convenient and compatible with their networking
capabilities. These interfaces include the Netlib email interface,
the Xnetlib X Windows client, the netlibget command-line TCP/IP
client, anonymous FTP, anonymous RCP, gopher, and the World Wide Web.
Those without networks can get Netlib on CD-ROM.
The collection is replicated at several sites around the world,
automatically synchronized, to provide reliable and network
efficient service to the global community.
Thu Aug 25 09:07:23 EDT 1994