Individual (unicast) messages
Sending email to an individual NA-NET member is the most frequently
used feature of NA-NET. Each NA-NET member has a
unique NA-NET name, or key. Mail can be sent to an NA-NET member by
addressing it to na.
NA-NET News Digest
Any mail sent to will be considered for distribution to all members of NA-NET. Once a week, we send out a digest of information contributed by users of NA-NET. The editor of the NA-NET News Digest goes over the messages that have been received, picks out the ones thought to be of general interest to the numerical analysis community, combines them in the News Digest format, and mails the Digest to everyone on the mailing list.
Joining NA-NET
To join NA-NET , send mail to In the message body, specify the following three fields:
Lastname: <your last name> Firstname: <your first name> E-mail: <your e-mail address>
The values can be specified in any order. The subject line of your message will be ignored. An attempt will be made to assign to you a unique NA-NET name consisting of your first initial prepended to your last name, your last name, or your first name followed by the first letter of your last name. If at least one of these keys is not already in use, you will receive a message indicating that your join attempt succeeded and telling you which key has been assigned. If all three of these keys fail to be unique, you will receive an error message indicating that your join attempt failed. In case of failure, send a message to, and you will be assigned a unique key manually.
Removing membership
To remove your membership from NA-NET, send mail to In the message body, specify the following two fields:
Lastname: <your last name> Firstname: <your first name>
The values can be specified in any order. The subject line of your message will be ignored. NA-NET will send an acknowledgment message to both the deleted address and the address making the request. If more than one entry exists with the same first and last name, you will receive a message indicating that your removal attempt failed. In this case, you can resubmit the removal request with the additional line:
Key: <your NA-NET key>
Changing your email address
To change your email address in the NA-NET mail-forwarding database, send mail to In the message body, specify the following three fields:
Lastname: <your last name> Firstname: <your first name> New-address: <your new e-mail address>
The values can be specified in any order. The subject line of your message will be ignored. An acknowledgment message will be sent to both the old email address as well as the new address informing you that the change has taken place.
If more than one entry exists with the same first and last name, you will receive a message indicating that your change attempt failed. In this case, you can resubmit the change request with the additional line:
Key: <your NA-NET key>
Help with NA-NET
Questions and comments about NA-NET should be addressed to Mail sent to will receive a reply message describing both NA-NET and the Whitepages.
Current member list
Mail sent to will receive a reply message being sent back to you containing the email addresses of all members of NA-NET.