Xmagic allows you to type in formulae in three places: 1 in the "bad guy" window: this is the top right dialog box on the main control panel; 2 in the "define axiom" pop-up window: this window can be called from the "add axioms" pop-up; 3 in the "connectives" window. The following conventions govern typing of formulae: a Variables are 'p', 'q', 'r', 's'. Upper case will be converted to lower by the parser. Any other letter will be treated as garbage. b Parentheses should be written in full, except that i outermost parentheses are unnecessary ii all right parentheses are unnecessary iii a period (".") is equivalent to "(" Because no scope rules are in force, association to the left is assumed. Therefore the right mate of a left parenthesis immediately follows the shortest interven- ing formula with dyadic main connective. For this rea- son right parentheses are redundant. c Spaces are ignored. RETURN terminates the formula. d The connectives are "&" (ampersand), "v" (vee), "~" (tilde) and ">" (greater than). Implication may also be written as "->" (with optional minus). Sentential constants "t" and "f" are also allowed.