Next: About this document
Software Exchange, Class Material
and Templates for
Parallel Computing
Jack Dongarra - U Tennessee and ORNL
Sharing of Software and Information Among Members of the
High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) community.
- National High-Performance Software Exchange
- Material on Computational Science Education
- Templates for Linear Algebra
- To facilitate an active exchange program for HPCC software and enabling
technologies via the National Information Infrastructure.
- To promote contributions and use by Grand
Challenge teams, as well as other members of the high performance computing
Software here includes algorithms, specifications, designs,
documentations, reports...
NHSE Components
- Outreach and technology transition
- To the HPCC user community and industry
- Distribution via the WWW
- Discipline oriented repository
- Uniform user interface
- Multilevel software review system
- Unreviewed
- Partially reviewed
- Reviewed
- Measurement
- Hypertext road map
- Publishing tools
- Naming & authentication architecture
- Selective capitalization of emerging technologies ../NSE-PTOOLS/virt_repo.idraw
Intended Audience
HPCC application and computer science community
Source of material for NHSE
Users of NASA, NSF, DOE and other supercomputer centers
Good targets for NHSE
Natural support organization: supercomputer center staff
Other users of high performance computers
Current and potential industrial users
No natural support organization
Applicable to other domains
NHSE Prototype
Based on Existing Technologies
WWW Browser (Mosaic / Netscape / etc)
Repository for math software since 1985
Repositories Currently Available
Netlib, Softlib, CITlib
ASSET - (Asset Source for SW Engineering Tech.)
CARDS - (Comprehensive Approach to
Reusable Defense SW)
ELSA - (Electronic Library Services and Appl.)
GAMS (Virtual Software Repository)
STARS - (SW Technology for Adaptable,
Reliable Systems)
Many examples related to GC problems
Software Currently Available
NHSE currently points to 200+ modules and packages
- parallel processing tools
- libraries of reuseable components
- Grand Challenge prototype codes
Netlib -- Network access to mathematical software and data
Jack Dongarra
Univ. Tenn. and ORNL
Eric Grosse
AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ
Started in 1985.
Motivated by the research community
Uses email for the distribution.
Has grown in popularity and scope.
Funded by the NSF and Bell Labs.
The development of NETLIB was motivated by the need
for cost-effective, timely
distribution of high-quality mathematical software to the research
community at large.
The system was designed to send, by return electronic mail,
requested routines together with subsidiary routines and any related documents
or test programs supplied by the authors.
Automatic mechanism for the disseminate of public domain software.
Collection includes:
Netlib provides the following features:
- There are no administrative channels to go through.
- Since no human processes the request, it is
possible to get software at any time, even in the middle of the night.
- The most up-to-date version is always available.
- Individual routines or pieces of a package can be obtained
instead of a whole collection.
Over around 10000 requests a day.
Software collection about 1 Gbytes
21K file in 330 libraries/directories
Interdisciplinary resource
- Software
- Parallel processing collection
- Data
- Tools
- Reports
- Documentation
- Benchmarks
- Journal information
Synchronization and Netlib Sites:
- Still in use and growing
- Mirrored at a number of sites
Other sites running the netlib processor,
but to support other databases:
- statistics
- TeX
- Reduce symbolic algebra
- Maple symbolic algebra
- benchmarks
Well over a hundred copies of netlib itself have been shipped.
NETLIB does not offer
- Technical assistance in determining and correcting problems with library software.
- Procedures for testing or validating codes.
- A uniform style for programming and documentation.
- Uniform error handling within the library.
The following types
of software are being made available:
- Systems software and software tools.
- compilers
- message-passing communication subsystems
- parallel monitors and debuggers.
- Basic building blocks for accomplishing common computational
and communication tasks.
- Building blocks are meant to be used by Grand Challenge teams
- Research codes that have been developed to solve difficult
computational problems.
- Many have been developed to solve specific problems
- Serve as proofs of concept
- Models for developing general-purpose reusable software
Netlib - Network Access to
Mathematical Software and Data
- Began in 1985
- JD and Eric Grosse, AT&T Bell Labs
Motivated by the need
for cost-effective, timely
distribution of high-quality mathematical software to the
Designed to send, by return electronic mail,
requested items.
Automatic mechanism for the disseminate of public domain software.
- Still in use and growing
- Mirrored at a number of sites
- ../NSE295/ ../NSE295/
Multilevel Review System
0: Unreviewed Level
- Growth through author-generated additions
- Mechanical checks only
1: Partially Reviewed Level
- Checks for consistency and completeness
- Comparable to current review for Netlib
2: Reviewed Level
- 2-6 outside reviewers
- Addition to Road Map
- Usability, robustness, documentation considered
Simiilar to journal review process
Editorial Board
Technical and Political Issues
How will the naive user find the right software?
Answer: Via the NHSE search/browser interface and the Road Map
How will authentication, integrity, and version control be implemented?
Answer: By a publishing system that includes unique naming
& digital signatures.
Will the NHSE support distribution of software that is not free or cannot be
freely distributed?
Answer: Yes, but...
only provide classification, review, and access
use of encryption and separate key distribution
NHSE will not have an accounting department
Will the NHSE be responsible for support of software?
Answer: NO!
Any support will be by author (or appropriate agent)
Road Map
Structured Knowledge Base on Software Components
Similar to a hypertext encyclopedia
Assembled with the help of panels of experts
- various-perspective catalog
- Glossaries
- Algorithms
- Applications categories
- Enabling software
- Benchmarks
- Hardware
- Education and training
- Links to other sites
Prototype Currently Available
Topic: available applications codes and their component HPCC
Different disciplines will maintain their own software
Users should not need to access each of these repositories
NHSE will provide a uniform interface to a
virtual HPCC software repository which will be built on top of
the distributed set of discipline-oriented repositories.
The interface will assist the user in locating relevant resources
and in retrieving these resources.
A combined browse/search interface will allow the user to explore
the various HPCC areas and become familiar with the available resources.
A longer term goal of the NHSE is to provide users with domain-specific
expert help in locating and understanding relevant resources.
Research Issues
Repository in a Box
Everything required for a site to setup a repository and
get connected to the NHSE
- publishing tools
- ftp, http, gopher, email servers
- logging and statistical tools
- integration with replication service
- guidence and support
assigned to a particular sequence of bytes,
once the assignment has been made, the same LIFN cannot subsequently
be used to name any other sequence of bytes.
Indexing and Searching
Currently very ad hoc
Harvest system provides a set of customizable tools
for Browsing and Searching
Current Web interfaces are difficult and frustrating for the user who
is attempting to locate specific information.
Browsing by following
hypertext links is slow and can be disorienting.
Keyword searching suffers from the vocabulary mismatch problem
and is unsuitable for users with imprecise information and software needs.
- Faster development of high-quality software so that
scientists can spend less time writing and debugging programs
and more time on research problems.
- Less duplication of software development effort
by sharing of software modules.
- Less time and effort spent in locating relevant
software and information through the use of appropriate indexing
and search mechanisms and domain-specific expert help systems.
- Reducing
information overload through the use of filters and automatic
search mechanisms.
Overall Strategy for the NHSE:
Effectiveness of the NHSE will depend on discipline-oriented
groups and Grand Challenge teams having ownership of the
discipline-oriented software repositories.
The information and
software residing in these repositories will be best maintained
and kept up-to-date by the individual disciplines, rather than
by centralized administration.
Central administration will be used instead
to handle interoperation and meet common needs.
Although the various disciplines will have ownership of the
repositories, they should not be expected to develop the
software and tools for building, managing, and interfacing
to their repositories.
Much useful information retrieval (IR) software
is currently available, both in the form of client and server
programs (e.g., http servers and WWW browsers), as and this
software should be incorporated into the NHSE.
Initial implementation built on existing technologies
Netlib, etc
Rapid deployment
Multilevel review and classification scheme
Partially reviewed
Road Map
Summary (continued)
Measurement and evaluation
Statistics for unreviewed and partially reviewed
Evaluations for reviewed
Outreach and technology transition
Educational activities aimed at the user community
Fostering technology development by industry
Capitalization of emerging technologies
Foster transition from research to advanced development prototype
- Working on standardization within WWW community
- member of RIG, IETF, IESG, WWW consort
Some Url's Related to Computational Science
National HPCC Software Exchange
NHSE Software Catalog
Netlib Repository
Computational Science Education
Books, Course Materials, and Tutorials
CS267 - Applications of Parallel Computers
U.C. Berkeley CS267: Spring 1995 Jim Demmel
18.337 Parallel Scientific Computing
MIT Spring, 1995 Alan Edelman
North Carolina State University
Visualizations in Materials Science
Computational Science Education Project
Who needs numerical software?
- Kinds of users and their priorities:
- Engineers and scientists generally, who make 12,000 requests/day
to netlib and keep NAG and IMSL in business:
- Easy interface, hidden details
- Reliability
- Speed
- HPCC community, solving biggest and hardest problems:
- Speed
- Access to details for tuning
- Reliable enough for their application
- Teachers and Students
- Ease of understanding
- Access to some details for learning
- Can we please everyone with one ``medium''? ../CRPC.395/
Iterative Methods
No single iterative method that can solve any given
sparse linear system in reasonable time
and with reasonable memory requirements.
Rate of convergence depends on certain properties of the
system, and these properties are often unknown in practice.
For many very large linear systems, iterative methods
are at this moment the only choice.
Necessary to have a variety of iterative methods available.
Through Templates the
user is guided into the world of iterative methods, with only a minimum
of linear algebra knowledge required.
Using Templates the user can build software at several levels
of sophistication, depending on requirements and goals.
Iterative Methods
The iteration schemes consist of one or two matrix vector
products, a couple of inner-products and a few vector updates.
The algorithms also allow for some form of preconditioning,
which means that in each step
a linear system Mz=r has to be solved, where M has to be specified
by the user.
These operations are pretty well understood, and it is easy
to see how the algorithms work.
These basic iteration Templates may be used for simple
computational experiments in order to get familiarized with the basic
iteration methods and their mutual differences.
The user is given
extensive advice in the manual on how to expand the basic codes to
reliable software for practical problems.
Motivation from Iterative Methods
Algorithm sketches for
- Gauss Siedel, Jacobi SOR,
SSOR, etc.
- PCG, Bi-CG, QMR, GMRES, etc.
- Preconditioners
- Domain Decomposition
- Parallelism
Templates for Sparse Matrix Computations
- Alternate to software
- Describe the basic features of the algorithms
- Language not so important
- Communication between disciplines
- Clear documentation
- Test cases
- Provide understanding of the results
- Allow customization
- Serve as a pedagogical role
- Retain the delicate numerical details
- Describe parallel opportunities
A Template for an Algorithm Includes
- A high-level description of the algorithm.
- A description of when it is effective, including
conditions on the input, and
estimates of the time, space or other resources
required. If there are natural competitors, they
will be referenced.
- A description of available refinements and user-tunable
parameters, as well as advice on when to use them.
- Pointers to complete or partial implementations, perhaps in several
languages or for several architectures (each parallel
architecture). These implementation expose those details
suitable for user-tuning, and hide the others.
- Numerical examples, on a common set of examples, illustrating
both easy cases and difficult cases.
- Trouble shooting advice.
- Pointers to texts or journal articles for further
In addition to individual templates, there will be a decision
tree to help steer the user to the right algorithm, or subset
of possible algorithms, based on a sequence of questions about
the nature of the problem to be solved.
Building Blocks
for Iterative Solution of Linear Systems
- Algorithm sketches for
- Algorithm
- Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR
- CG, Precond-CG, CG-Squared, Bi-CG
- Bi-CG-Stab, QMR, GMRES, Chebychev
- Matlab script
- Fortran code in a 2-D array
- Fortran code using reverse commmunication
- Preconditioners
- Jacobi, SSOR, Incomplete Factoriation, Polynominal
- Convergence tests
- Performance Summary
- Sparse Data Structures
- Hints on parallel implementation
- Available from SIAM or
Three Potential User Communities for such Tools
- The ``HPCC'' (High Performance Computing and Communication)
community consists of those scientists trying to solve the largest,
hardest applications in their fields. They desire high speed,
access to algorithmic details for performance tuning, and
reliability for their problem.
- Engineers and scientists generally desire easy-to-use,
reliable software, that is also reasonably efficient.
- Students and teachers want simple but generally
effective algorithms, which are easy to explain and understand. ../TEMPLATES2/ ../TEMPLATES2/ ../TEMPLATES2/
* First time call always init.
IJOB = 1
* On a return from REVCOM() we use the table
* to figure out what is reqd.
IF (IJOB .eq. -1) THEN
* revcom wants to terminate, so do it.
* call matvec.
* call solve.
* call matvec with X.
* do stopping test 2
* if FirstTime, set info so that BNRM2 is computed.
* done what revcom asked, set IJOB & go back to it.
IJOB = 2
* come here to terminate
* End of CGS
function [x, error, iter, flag] = cg(A, x, b, M, max_it, tol)
% -- Iterative template routine --
% Details of this algorithm are described in "Templates for the
% Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative
% Methods", Barrett, Berry, Chan, Demmel, Donato, Dongarra,
% Eijkhout, Pozo, Romine, and van der Vorst, SIAM Publications,
% 1993. (ftp; cd linalg; get
% [x, error, iter, flag] = cg(A, x, b, M, max_it, tol)
% cg.m solves the symmetric positive definite linear system Ax=b
% using the Conjugate Gradient method with preconditioning.
% input A REAL symmetric positive definite matrix
% x REAL initial guess vector
% b REAL right hand side vector
% M REAL preconditioner matrix
% max_it INTEGER maximum number of iterations
% tol REAL error tolerance
% output x REAL solution vector
% error REAL error norm
% iter INTEGER number of iterations performed
% flag INTEGER: 0 = solution found to tolerance
% 1 = no convergence given max_it
flag = 0; iter = 0; % initialization
bnrm2 = norm( b );
if ( bnrm2 == 0.0 ), bnrm2 = 1.0; end
r = b - A*x;
error = norm( r ) / bnrm2;
if ( error < tol ) return, end
for iter = 1:max_it % begin iteration
z = M \ r;
rho = (r'*z);
if ( iter > 1 ), % direction vector
beta = rho / rho_1;
p = z + beta*p;
p = z;
q = A*p;
alpha = rho / (p'*q );
x = x + alpha * p; % update approximation vector
r = r - alpha*q; % compute residual
error = norm( r ) / bnrm2; % check convergence
if ( error <= tol ), break, end
rho_1 = rho;
if ( error > tol ) flag = 1; end % no convergence
Mathematical Properties
Desired Spectral Information
Problem Representation
Available Operations
Yes, we can please everyone!
- We propose that
- NHSE - National High Performance Software Exchange
- GAMS - Guide to Available Math Software
- Netlib
- Templates
- NA textbooks
- Annotated bibliographies
- Computing environments á la Matlab or Maple
- On-line compute servers (comp-u-bots) for bigger problems
should all be part of one seamless whole.
- We propose an E-book containing
- Linearly ordered text
- Multiple access modes via hypertext
- Table of contents of book
- Index of book
- A decision-tree querying the user to pick the right algorithm
- Pointers to other trees (netlib, GAMS)
- Multiple levels of algorithmic description
- ``Template'' in pseudo-code, further pointers to common notation, etc.
- One-page description of algorithm
- Matlab implementation
- Fortran, C, C++ implementations
- Detailed text (references to literature)
(``Numerical Linear Algebra'', Demmel)
- Pointers to literature
- C++ implementation of LinSolve or EigSolve incorporating parts
of decision tree (Pozo)
- Open architecture for future growth
- Hard-nosed editing for most reliable parts
Future Work
- Publically distribute detailed outline
Superset of likely content
- Get (potential) user feedback
(workshop planned)
- Keep linear version of book
200 pages
(not all material)
- Q: Will a good design put NA faculty out of business?
A: Better we do it than someone else.
Different users with different needs.
The traditional library users, who make 500 requests/day
to netlib and keep NAG and IMSL in business, have the following priorities:
- Easy interface with hidden details
- Reliability; the code should fail as rarely as possible
- Speed
The HPCC community, on the other hand, which wants to solve the largest,
hardest problems as quickly as possible, seems to want
- Speed
- Access to internal details to tune data structures to the application
- Algorithms which are fast for the particular application even if
not reliable as general methods
Differing priorities
Different approaches to algorithms and software.
A Practical Solution: Meta-Libraries
- separate the data implementation details out of the
fundamental algorithms
- describe library algorithms in terms of abstract base
classes (inheritance)
- specify only the interface
- utilize late-binding (polymorphism) to determine
data distributions and implementations
Need good design to choose proper objects and abstractions to balance
- performance
- reusability
- generality
- control
- flexibility
- Templates software and documentation for Ax=b can be obtained via:
- WWW:,
- (anonymous) ftp
- email with the message:
send index from templates
- R. Barrett, M. Berry, T. Chan, J. Demmel, J. Donato, J. Dongarra,
V. Eijkhout, R. Pozo, C. Romine, H. van der Vorst,
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building
Blocks for Iterative Methods, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1994.
Next: About this document
Stan Green
Tue Oct 17 19:04:51 EDT 1995