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A. Beguelin, J. J. Dongarra, G. A. Geist, R. Manchek, and V. S. Sunderam. Heterogeneous network supercomputing. Supercomputing Review, August 1991.

A. Beguelin, J. J. Dongarra, G. A. Geist, R. Manchek, and V. S. Sunderam. Solving computational grand challenges using a network of heterogeneous supercomputers. In D. Sorensen, editor, Proceedings of Fifth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing, Philadelphia, 1991. SIAM.

A. Beguelin, J. J. Dongarra, G. A. Geist, R. Manchek, and V. S. Sunderam. A users' guide to PVM parallel virtual machine. Technical Report ORNL/TM-11826, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 1991.

A. Beguelin and G. Nutt. Collected papers on Phred. Technical Report CU-CS-511-91, University of Colorado, Department of Computer Science, Boulder, CO 80309-0430, January 1991.

A. Beguelin and G. Nutt. Examples in Phred. In D. Sorensen, editor, Proceedings of Fifth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing, Philadelphia, 1991. SIAM.

Kenneth Birman and Keith Marzullo. Isis and the META project. Sun Technology, pages 90-104, Summer 1989.

Jim Browne, Muhammad Azam, and Stephen Sobek. CODE: A unified approach to parallel programming. IEEE Software, 6(4):10-18, July 1989.

Nicholas Carriero and David Gelernter. Linda in context. Communications of the ACM, 32(4):444-458, 1989.

J. J. Dongarra and D. C. Sorensen. SCHEDULE: Tools for Developing and Analyzing Parallel Fortran Programs. In D. B. Gannon L. H. Jamieson and R. J. Douglass, editors, The Characteristics of Parallel Algorithms, pages 363-394. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987.

J. Flower, A. Kolawa, and S. Bharadwaj. The express way to distributed processing. Supercomputing Review, pages 54-55, May 1991.

G. A. Geist and V. S. Sunderam. Experiences with network based concurrent computing on the pvm system. Technical Report ORNL/TM-11760, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, January 1991.

Charles L. Seitz. Multicomputers: Message-Passing Concurrent Computers. Computer, pages 9-24, August 1988.

V. S. Sunderam. PVM : A framework for parallel distributed computing. Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 2(4):315-339, December 1990.

Jack Dongarra
Fri Dec 13 15:47:39 EST 1996