This is TeX, C Version 3.141 (format=lplain 93.2.23) 18 DEC 1994 11:30 **8791_images.tex (8791_images.tex LaTeX Version 2.09 <25 March 1992> (/usr/local/lib/TeX/inputs/article.sty Standard Document Style `article' <14 Jan 92>. (/usr/local/lib/TeX/inputs/art10.sty) \c@part=\count79 \c@section=\count80 \c@subsection=\count81 \c@subsubsection=\count82 \c@paragraph=\count83 \c@subparagraph=\count84 \c@figure=\count85 \c@table=\count86 ) (/usr/local/lib/TeX/inputs/fullpage.sty Style Option FULLPAGE Version 2 as of 15 Dec 1988 ) (/a/dasher/white/homes/dongarra/PAPERS/TEX/PVM-IJSA/ijsa/epic.sty Enhancements to Picture Environment. Version 1.2 - Released June 1, 1986 \@@multicnt=\count87 \d@lta=\count88 \@delta=\dimen99 \@@delta=\dimen100 \@gridcnt=\count89 \@joinkind=\count90 \@dotgap=\dimen101 \@ddotgap=\dimen102 \@x@diff=\count91 \@y@diff=\count92 \x@diff=\dimen103 \y@diff=\dimen104 \@dotbox=\box25 \num@segments=\count93 \num@segmentsi=\count94 \@datafile=\read1 ) (/a/dasher/white/homes/dongarra/PAPERS/TEX/PVM-IJSA/ijsa/eepic.sty Extension to Epic and LaTeX. Version 1.1b - Released Febrary 7, 1988 \@gphlinewidth=\count95 \@eepictcnt=\count96 \@tempdimc=\dimen105 \maxovaldiam=\dimen106 \@filltype=\box26 ) (/usr/local/lib/TeX/inputs/psfig.tex \@unused=\write3 psfig/tex 1.9 \ps@stream=\read2 \p@intvaluex=\dimen107 \p@intvaluey=\dimen108 ) ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \x. 2 l.30 \def\x{\endgroup\@setsize\SetFigFont{#2 pt}} You meant to type ## instead of #, right? Or maybe a } was forgotten somewhere earlier, and things are all screwed up? I'm going to assume that you meant ##. (8791_images.aux) [1] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] psfig: searching for bounding box psfig: including Overfull \hbox (6.79999pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 101--102 [] \hbox(383.90149+3.4)x469.75499 .\glue(\leftskip) 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\hbox(383.90149+3.4)x476.55498 ..\hbox(387.30148+0.0)x476.55498, shifted 3.4 ...\vbox(387.30148+0.0)x476.55498 [] .\penalty 10000 .\glue(\parfillskip) 0.0 .\glue(\rightskip) 0.0 plus 1.0fil [6] psfig: searching for bounding box psfig: including Overfull \hbox (6.79999pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 112--113 [] \hbox(383.90149+3.4)x469.75499 .\glue(\leftskip) 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\hbox(383.90149+3.4)x476.55498 ..\hbox(387.30148+0.0)x476.55498, shifted 3.4 ...\vbox(387.30148+0.0)x476.55498 [] .\penalty 10000 .\glue(\parfillskip) 0.0 .\glue(\rightskip) 0.0 plus 1.0fil [7] [8 ] [9 ] [10 ] [11 ] [12 ] ! Missing number, treated as zero. ## ## 2pt \@setsize ... #1\let \@currsize #1\baselineskip #2 \setbox \strutbox \hbox {\... l.206\@setsize\SetFigFont{#2pt}\fmtname x xxxxx\relax \ifx\endgroup\... A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ## ## 2pt \@setsize ... #1\let \@currsize #1\baselineskip #2 \setbox \strutbox \hbox {\... l.206\@setsize\SetFigFont{#2pt}\fmtname x xxxxx\relax \ifx\endgroup\... Dimensions can be in units of em, ex, in, pt, pc, cm, mm, dd, cc, bp, or sp; but yours is a new one! I'll assume that you meant to say pt, for printer's points. To recover gracefully from this error, it's best to delete the erroneous units; e.g., type `2' to delete two letters. (See Chapter 27 of The TeXbook.) ! You can't use `macro parameter character #' in internal vertical mode. ## ## 2pt \@setsize ... #1\let \@currsize #1\baselineskip #2 \setbox \strutbox \hbox {\... l.206\@setsize\SetFigFont{#2pt}\fmtname x xxxxx\relax \ifx\endgroup\... Sorry, but I'm not programmed to handle this case; I'll just pretend that you didn't ask for it. If you're in the wrong mode, you might be able to return to the right one by typing `I}' or `I$' or `I\par'. ! Missing } inserted. } \endgroup l.217 \fi\endgroup I've inserted something that you may have forgotten. (See the above.) With luck, this will get me unwedged. But if you really didn't forget anything, try typing `2' now; then my insertion and my current dilemma will both disappear. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh \@imakepicbox ... \hbox to #1\unitlength {\mb@l #4 \mb@r }\mb@b } \put ...length \hbox to\z@ {\kern #1\unitlength #3 \hss }\ignorespaces l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh \@imakepicbox ... \hbox to #1\unitlength {\mb@l #4 \mb@r }\mb@b } \put ...length \hbox to\z@ {\kern #1\unitlength #3 \hss }\ignorespaces l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh \@imakepicbox ... \hbox to #1\unitlength {\mb@l #4 \mb@r }\mb@b } \put ...length \hbox to\z@ {\kern #1\unitlength #3 \hss }\ignorespaces l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh \@imakepicbox ... \hbox to #1\unitlength {\mb@l #4 \mb@r }\mb@b } ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh \@imakepicbox ... \hbox to #1\unitlength {\mb@l #4 \mb@r }\mb@b } ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh \@imakepicbox ... \hbox to #1\unitlength {\mb@l #4 \mb@r }\mb@b } ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} \next #1->\setbox \z@ \hbox {#1 }\finsm@sh ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... {{\SetFigFont {12}{14.4}{rm} Page Layout}} ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @ #1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax \SetFigFont #1#2#3->\begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Missing number, treated as zero. @ \SetFigFont ...\count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @ \count @25\fi \expandafter... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=60]. \SetFigFont #1#2#3-> \begingroup \count @#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count @\count @2... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... \SetFigFont ...gFont {#2pt} \csname \romannumeral \the \count @ pt\expandaft... ... l.227 ...\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Page Layout}}}}} If you really absolutely need more capacity, you can ask a wizard to enlarge me. Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 543 strings out of 4479 5451 string characters out of 63194 37641 words of memory out of 262141 2473 multiletter control sequences out of 9500 18996 words of font info for 72 fonts, out of 72000 for 255 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 607 24i,8n,62p,205b,251s stack positions out of 300i,40n,60p,3000b,4000s Output written on 8791_images.dvi (12 pages, 6336 bytes).