Vector-Vector Operations

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Vector-Vector Operations


In the following sections, no distinction is made between a column or a row of a matrix. Both are denoted by the word ``vector''. We define by

  1. Vector swap: PSWAP( N, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX, Y, IY, JY, DESCY, INCY )


  2. Vector scaling: PSCAL( N, ALPHA, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX )


  3. Vector copy: PCOPY( N, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX, Y, IY, JY, DESCY, INCY )


  4. Vector addition: PAXPY( N, ALPHA, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX, Y, IY, JY, DESCY, INCY )


  5. Dot products: PDOT( N, DOT, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX, Y, IY, JY, DESCY, INCY )

    Operation: for the PSDOT, PDDOT, PCDOTU or PZDOTU routines, DOT

    For the PCDOTC or PZDOTC routines, DOT

  6. Vector 2-norm: PNRM2( N, NORM2, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX )

    Operation: NORM2

  7. Sum of absolute value of vector entries: PASUM( N, ASUM, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX )

    Operation: ASUM

  8. Index and value of vector entry having maximum absolute value: PAMAX( N, AMAX, INDX, X, IX, JX, DESCX, INCX )


Jack Dongarra
Thu Aug 3 07:53:00 EDT 1995