Need for User Input

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Need for User Input

To develop a maximally effective searching and browsing interface, we need help from our users. We are developing a thesaurus-based roadmap on which to base our browsing and navigation tools, but the thesaurus vocabulary should be derived from your query terminology, needs, and potential uses of HPCC technologies. We need to be able to make the connection between the problem you need solved and the NHSE resources that will help you solve it. Whether you are a government, industry, or academic user, and whether you are involved in teaching, research, technology transfer, or other activity that would benefit from HPCC technology, we need to hear from you. Please visit the NHSE home page gif and fill out a user profile. To the extent possible with our available manpower, we will attempt to send you a personalized reply informing you of resources we are currently aware of that may be of use to you, and we will keep you posted of future developments. You will also be contributing to the development of a valuable resource for you and other HPCC users.

Jack Dongarra
Mon Jan 9 09:56:45 EST 1995