This applet runs the Linpack Benchmark in Java. The Linpack Benchmark is a numerically intensive test that has been used for years to measure the floating point performance of computers. To run the benchmark after the graph loads hit "Press to run ...".
To submit the results, set the OS and CPU, include more specific info about your machine such as memory and processor speed in the Details field, fill in your email address and hit "Submit...". If your browser uses JIT then please specify this in the Details field.
Your timings will be sent to us by email and we'll update our list of timings.
Jack Dongarra and Reed Wade
(please direct inquiries to
Special thanks to Jonathan Hardwick ( who made a number of valuable optimizations to the Linpack Java Benchmark. These changes brought a 10-20% speed increase and are described here. Also don't miss his more general Java Optimization page.
As of 5 April 96 we are running the optimized code and will maintain separate timings lists until a significant number of timings have been done under the new code.
Also, see Ivan Phillips' CaffeineMark benchmark.
This is a list of timings that have been submitted using the applet above
Timings Shown in Graph Above: