Netlib email addresses
The Internet address refers to a gateway machine at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This address should be understood on all the major networks through the normal Domain Name System name resolution. If for some reason that machine is not responding, try, a machine at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey.
For access outside the United States, you may want to use one of the repositories that mirror the UT/ORNL repository. See Appendix A for a list of these other Netlib sites.
Request syntax
A valid Netlib email request has a message body that is of one of the following basic forms:
send index send index from <library> send <file(s)> from <library> find <keywords> whois <name> mailsize <size>
Here are examples of the various kinds of requests.
send index
send index from eispack
send dgeco from linpack
send only dgeco from linpack
send dgeco but not dgefa from linpack
send list of dgeco from linpack
whois gene golub
find cubic spline
find schumaker from approximation
find aasen from linalg
mailsize 100k