lifn:nhse:a4c02247221abb5e4e9b9da749545431 SparseLib++ <title_line>a C++ class library for efficient sparse matrix computations across various computational platforms <version>1.4 <pubdate>25 July 1995 <author>Roldan Pozo <> Karin Remington <> Andrew Lumsdaine <> <contact>Roldan Pozo <> <abstract> SparseLib++ is a C++ class library for efficient sparse matrix computations across various computational platforms. The software package consists of matrix classes encompassing several sparse storage formats (e.g. compressed row, compressed column and coordinate formats), and providing basic functionality for managing sparse matrices. The Sparse BLAS Toolkit is used for efficient kernel mathematical operations (e.g., sparse matrix-vector multiply) and to enhance portability and performance across a wide range of computer architectures. Included in the package are various preconditions commonly used in iterative solvers for linear systems of equations. The focus is on computational support for iterative methods (for example, see IML++), but the sparse matrix objects presented here can be used in their own right. <environment>GNU g++ 2.6.3 Sun CC 3.0.1 <category>numerical-linalg </urc>