ftp://ftp.super.org/pub/prism/ SYmmetric Invariant Subspace Decomposition Approach (SYISDA) eigensolver package <title_line>for finding all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric diagonalizable matrices in parallel <abstract> These routines find all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric diagonalizable matrices and can easily be adapted to only resolve a certain part of the spectrum.All routines use MPI for their message passing. As a result, they should run on any machine which supports MPI. The code has been tested extensively on a wide variety of parallel architectures and test cases. There is also a User's Guide which provides directions on installing the package and explains the user interface. <contact>prism@super.org <comments> This package is part of the PRISM (Parallel Research on Invariant Subspace Methods) project. There are a large number of technical reports, conference papers, and working notes available via anonymous ftp from ftp.super.org in pub/prism or via a WWW browser from ftp://ftp.super.org/pub/prism. There is a README file which lists all of the reports/code contained in that directory. The code and User's Guide are located in file prism_syisda.tar.Z. <category>numerical-linalg <keywords>GAMS D4a1. Real symmetric matrix eigenvalue problems </urc>