- url
- http://www.epm.ornl.gov/chammp/pccm2.1/index.html
- title_line
- Parallel Community Climate Model for Scalable Message
Passing Systems
- abstract
- PCCM2.1 is a parallel version of the NCAR Community Climate
Model, CCM2, implemented for MIMD massively parallel computers using
a message-passing programming paradigm.
- environment
- The parallel implementation was developed for the
Intel Paragon with 1024 processors and IBM SP2 with 128 processors.
The code can be easily prted to other multiprocessors supporting
a message-passing programming paradigm, or run on machines distributed
across a network with PVM.
- contact
- John Drake / bbd@ornl.gov
Ian Foster / itf@mcs.anl.gov
- keywords
- global climate modeling; weather forecasting, MIMD