Trace-Driven Parallelism Simulator
- url
- description
- abstract
This is the simulator that was used to generate the results in the paper
"Limits of Control Flow on Parallelism" from ISCA'92.
There are two
separate programs: the main simulator (dsim) and a preprocessor (presim).
The preprocessor performs static analysis to handle loop unrolling and
potential data dependences. The results are saved in a file ending with
".dat". The main simulator reads this file when it first starts up.
The simulator
has evolved from Mike Smith's xsim program, which is available (along
with an excellent document describing pixie) by anonymous ftp from in pub/pixie_doc.
- keywords
- dependence analysis; simulation; execution analysis
- environment
The simulator has only been run on DECstations but it could possibly be
ported to other machines using the MIPS architecture. It can be compiled
with g++ version 2.4.5. I think all of the include files are standard with
- reference
- contact
- Bob Wilson /