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- abstract
Sage++ is an object-oriented compiler preprocessor toolkit. Using Sage++ to
transform source code is a three step process:
PARSING: Source code, either FORTRAN, pC++, or C, is parsed
and saved as a machine-independant parse tree (".dep" file).
RESTRUCTURING: The ".dep" file is read by a Sage++-built
restructuring tool. Sage++ uses member functions to manipulate the
parse tree. For example, a restructuring program written with Sage++
could identify function-call sites, add variables, optimize loops, add
tracing functions, or globally replace variables. After the parse tree
has been modified, the new ".dep" file is saved.
UNPARSING: The new ".dep" file is "unparsed", recreating the
source code and reflecting the changes that were made to the parsed
form. After unparsing, the source code can be compiled with the
native compiler.
- contact
- keywords
- source code restructuring
- reference