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Efficient Barriers for Distributed Shared Memory Computers


Suvas Vajracharya / suvas@cs.colorado.edu

Suvas Vajracharya / suvas@cs.colorado.edu

This directory contains implementations of barrier algorithms
for the KSR-1, Seequent Symmetry, and BBN-TC2000.
Barriers are a synchronization tool for parallel computers,
including shared and distributed (messaage-passing) address-space
architectures. No processor may pass barrier until all processors
have arrived at the barrier; this synchronization tool is used
in many algorithms and is central to the data-parallel
programming model. On architectures lacking hardware support
for barrier synchronization, scalable barriers must be implemented
in software, using the underlying communication network.
This directory contains the implementation of two new barrier
algorithms, Static f-way Tournament and Dynamic f-way.
The new barrier algorithms adapt well to a hierarchical
caching memory model and take advantage of parallel communication
offered by most multiprocessor interconnection networks.

barrier synchronization; shared memory multiprocessor
