DYNA3D - Crash Simulation
- abstract
The DYNA3D program, developed by the Methods Development Group at
Lawrence Livermore National Laborartory, is an engineering design tool for
modeling the nonlinear, transient response of complex structures.
State-of-the-art applications with DYNA3D include metal forming,
earthquake and highway safety models, and other transportation research
models combining recent research in materials science. DYNA3D is used in
engineering design groups in over 400 companies in the United States and is
available on computer systems ranging from work stations to vector
supercomputers. A developmental version of DYNA3D has been installed
on the two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory prototype massively
parallel computers, the Meiko CS-2 and the Cray Research Incorporated T3D.
- description
- http://www.llnl.gov/liv_comp/meiko/apps/dyna3d/dyna3d.html
- contact
- Carol Hoover / hoover1@llnl.gov
- keywords
- simulation; materials science; application program
- application
- shipping containers for hazardous materials, crash simulation